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In your hiding, you're alone. Kept your treasures with my bones.Coeur de Piratecrawl somewhere bettermore quotes
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Do you know the difference between corn and a dinosaur? It might appear that the makers of Jurassic World don't care whether you do. Or don't know whether you care.
Inside every spam is a poem — that's easy. It's finding it — that's difficult.

World's Most Popular Questions—Today's Interrogative Zeitgeist

Questions about Trump and his administration that are currently trending.

is   +   trump   +   a / actually / refusing / doing / going / making / losing / tweeting / being
is trump a…


…republican or democrat

retrieved on 14-05-2024 from Google
was / has / did / is / does / will   +   trump
was trump… did trump… is trump… does trump… will trump…


…impeached and what does that mean

…on soul train

…in the military

…build a wall

…go to college

…take a salary

…serve in the military

…running for president again

…a republican

…running again


…running for president

…a democrat

…pro israel

…own trump tower

…support israel

…support palestine

…run in 2024

retrieved on 14-05-2024 from Google
does   +   trump   +   think / believe / care / have / ever / hate / know / like / really
retrieved on 14-05-2024 from Google
did   +   trump   +   say / mean / tweet / insult / order / lie
retrieved on 14-05-2024 from Google
can / should / could   +   trump
retrieved on 14-05-2024 from Google
why   +   didn't / hasn't / won't / can't   +   trump
why didn't trump… why won't trump… why can't trump…

…compete in nevada

…fund ukraine

…run in 2028

retrieved on 14-05-2024 from Google
what did   +   trump   +   do / say / mean / tweet
what did trump do… what did trump say…



…about nato

retrieved on 14-05-2024 from Google
what / who / how   +   did / has   +   trump
what did trump… who did trump… how did trump…

…say today


…do today

…say about nato



…make his money

retrieved on 14-05-2024 from Google
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Google whack “vicissitudinal corporealization”
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