#!/bin/bash # Randomize all colors except white and black. Try removing code(white,black) and see what happens! Crazy, eh? OPT="-param ideogram/show=no -randomcolor white,black" # Alternatively, remap the colors to the hilarious and wonderfully useless # watermelon-mint color palette (red-white-green), as requested in # good fun by students from the EMBO course in Izmir. It's # particularly fitting here because it matches the colors on the # Italian flag. # # OPT="-param ideogram/show=no -wmmn" for i in `seq 1 9` ; do f=`echo "scale=1;(10-$i)/10" | bc` echo "Drawing for hidden fraction $f to circos.$i.png" (circos $OPT -outputfile circos.$i.png -param hidefraction=$f > out.$i; echo "Done tile $i fraction $f") & done echo "Please wait 30-60 seconds until all processes report finished..." echo "Running..."