# To understand this file, see https://mk.bcgsc.ca/debates2016/?methods
# kaine-pence-01/parsed/sentence.kaine.tag.all.len.txt
56 11 Elaine/NNP thank/VB you/PRP for/IN being/VBG here/RB tonight/VBP and/NNP Governor/NNP Pence/NNP welcome/CD
58 13 It/PRP is/VBZ so/RB great/JJ to/TO be/VB back/RB at/IN Longwood/NNP University/NNP in/IN Farmville/NNP Virginia/NNP
23 6 This/DT is/VBZ a/DT very/RB special/JJ place/CD
92 19 Sixty-five/JJ years/NNS ago/VBP a/DT young/NN courageous/JJ woman/NNP Barbara/NNP Johns/NNP led/VBD a/DT walkout/NN of/IN her/PRP high/JJ school/NNP Moton/NNP High/NNP School/NNP
43 7 She/PRP made/VBD history/NN by/IN protesting/VBG school/NN segregation/JJ
39 7 She/PRP believed/VBD our/PRP nation/NN was/VBD stronger/RBR together/JJ
88 20 And/CC that/DT walkout/NN led/VBN to/TO the/DT Brown/NNP v/CC Board/NNP of/IN Education/NNP decision/NN that/WDT moved/VBD us/PRP down/RP the/DT path/NN toward/IN equality/JJ
101 21 I/PRP am/VBP so/RB proud/JJ to/TO be/VB running/VBG with/IN another/DT strong/NN history-making/JJ woman/NNP Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP to/TO be/VB president/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
264 59 I'm/NNP proud/JJ because/IN her/PRP vision/NN of/IN stronger/JJR together/NN building/VBG an/DT economy/NN that/IN works/NNS for/IN all/NN not/RB just/RB those/DT at/IN the/DT top/NN being/VBG safe/JJ in/IN the/DT world/NN not/RB only/RB with/IN a/DT strong/JJ military/NN but/CC also/RB strong/JJ alliances/NNS to/TO battle/VB terrorism/NN and/CC climate/NN change/NN and/CC also/RB to/TO build/VB a/DT community/NN of/IN respect/NN just/RB like/IN Barbara/NNP Johns/NNP tried/VBD to/TO do/VB years/NNS ago/RB
35 10 That/NNP why/WRB I'm/NNP so/RB proud/JJ to/TO be/VB her/PRP running/NN mate/JJ
44 12 Hillary/NNP told/VBD me/PRP why/WRB she/PRP asked/VBD me/PRP to/TO be/VB her/PRP running/NN mate/JJ
83 22 She/PRP said/VBD the/DT test/NN of/IN a/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN will/MD not/RB be/VB the/DT signing/NN of/IN a/DT bill/NN or/CC the/DT passage/NN of/IN a/DT bill/CD
160 34 It'll/NNP be/VB whether/IN we/PRP can/MD make/VB somebody/NNS life/NN better/NN whether/IN we/PRP can/MD make/VB a/DT classroom/NN better/JJR learning/VBG environment/NN for/IN schoolkids/NNS or/CC teachers/NN whether/IN we/PRP can/MD make/VB a/DT safer/JJR it/NNS going/VBG to/TO be/VB about/IN results/JJ
56 14 And/CC she/PRP said/VBD to/TO me/VB you've/NN been/VBN a/DT missionary/JJ and/CC a/DT civil/JJ rights/NNS lawyer/CD
33 7 You've/NN been/VBN a/DT city/NN councilman/NN and/CC mayor/CD
57 12 You've/NN been/VBN a/DT lieutenant/NN governor/NN and/CC governor/NN and/CC now/RB a/DT U.S/NNP senator/JJ
140 34 I/PRP think/VBP you/PRP will/MD help/VB me/PRP figure/VB out/IN how/WRB to/TO govern/VB this/DT nation/NN so/RB that/IN we/PRP always/RB keep/VBP in/IN mind/NN that/IN the/DT success/NN of/IN the/DT administration/NN is/VBZ the/DT difference/NN we/PRP make/VBP in/IN people/NNS lives/CD
77 17 And/CC that/NNS what/WP I/PRP bring/VBP to/TO the/DT ticket/VBG that/DT experience/NN having/VBG served/VBN at/IN all/DT levels/NNS of/IN government/JJ
124 23 But/CC my/PRP primary/JJ role/NN is/VBZ to/TO be/VB Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP right-hand/JJ person/NN and/CC strong/JJ supporter/NN as/IN she/PRP puts/VBZ together/RB the/DT most/RBS historic/JJ administration/NN possible/CD
18 5 And/CC I/PRP relish/NN that/DT role/CD
15 5 I'm/NNP so/RB proud/JJ of/IN her/CD
93 24 I'll/NNP just/RB say/VBP this/VBG We/PRP trust/VBP Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP my/PRP wife/NN and/CC I/NNP and/CC we/PRP trust/VBP her/PRP with/IN the/DT most/RBS important/JJ thing/NN in/IN our/PRP life/CD
50 12 We/PRP have/VBP a/DT son/NN deployed/VBD overseas/JJ in/IN the/DT Marine/NNP Corps/NNP right/NN now/CD
114 20 We/PRP trust/VBP Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP as/IN president/NN and/CC commander-in-chief/JJ but/CC the/DT thought/NN of/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP as/IN commander-in-chief/NN scares/NNS us/PRP to/TO death/VB
41 10 Elaine/NNP let/VB me/PRP tell/VB you/PRP why/WRB I/PRP trust/VBP Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP
52 13 Here/NNP what/WP people/NNS should/MD look/VB at/IN as/IN they/PRP look/VBP at/IN a/DT public/JJ servant/JJ
67 17 Do/VBP they/PRP have/VBP a/DT passion/NN in/IN their/PRP life/NN that/WDT showed/VBD up/IN before/IN they/PRP were/VBD in/IN public/JJ life/NN
108 22 And/CC have/VBP they/PRP held/VBN onto/IN that/DT passion/NN throughout/IN their/PRP life/NN regardless/RB of/IN whether/IN they/PRP were/VBD in/IN office/NN or/CC not/NN succeeding/VBG or/CC failing/NN
28 5 Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP has/VBZ that/DT passion/CD
134 32 From/IN a/DT time/NN as/IN a/DT kid/NN in/IN a/DT Methodist/NNP youth/NN group/NN in/IN the/DT suburbs/NNS of/IN Chicago/NNP she/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN focused/VBN on/IN serving/VBG others/NNS with/IN a/DT special/JJ focus/NN on/IN empowering/VBG families/NNS and/CC kids/JJ
147 31 As/IN a/DT civil/JJ rights/NNS lawyer/NN in/IN the/DT South/NNP with/IN the/DT Children/NNP Defense/NNP Fund/NNP first/JJ lady/NN of/IN Arkansas/NNP and/CC this/DT country/NN senator/NN secretary/NN of/IN state/NN it/NNS always/RB been/VBN about/IN putting/VBG others/NNS first/JJ
36 8 And/CC that/VBZ a/DT sharp/JJ contrast/NN with/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP
33 6 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP always/RB puts/VBZ himself/PRP first/JJ
86 22 He/PRP built/VBD a/DT business/NN career/NN in/IN the/DT words/NNS of/IN one/CD of/IN his/PRP own/JJ campaign/NN staffers/NN off/VBG the/DT backs/NNS of/IN the/DT little/JJ guy/CD
182 37 And/CC as/IN a/DT candidate/NN he/PRP started/VBD his/PRP campaign/NN with/IN a/DT speech/NN where/WRB he/PRP called/VBD Mexicans/NNPS rapists/NNS and/CC criminals/NN and/CC he/PRP has/VBZ pursued/VBN the/DT discredited/VBN and/CC really/RB outrageous/JJ lie/NN that/IN President/NNP Obama/NNP wasn't/NN born/VBN in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
113 27 It/PRP is/VBZ so/RB painful/JJ to/TO suggest/VB that/IN we/PRP go/VBP back/RB to/TO think/VB about/IN these/DT days/NNS where/WRB an/DT African-American/NNP could/MD not/RB be/VB a/DT citizen/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
89 19 And/CC I/PRP can't/MD imagine/VB how/WRB Governor/NNP Pence/NNP can/MD defend/VB the/DT insult-/RB driven/VBN selfish/JJ me/NN first/NN style/NN of/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP
17 4 You/PRP guys/NNS love/VBP Russia/NNP
15 4 You/PRP both/DT have/NN said
74 17 You/PRP both/DT have/NN said/VBD you/PRP both/DT have/NN said/VBD Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP is/VBZ a/DT better/JJR leader/NN than/IN the/DT president/JJ
47 10 These/DT guys/NNS have/VBP praised/VBN Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP as/IN a/DT great/JJ leader/JJ
10 3 How/WRB can/MD that
35 10 And/CC paid/VBN few/JJ taxes/NNS and/CC lost/VBD a/DT billion/CD a/DT year/CD
27 5 You/PRP are/VBP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP apprentice/JJ
18 5 Let/VB me/PRP talk/VB about/IN this
30 7 Well/NNP I/PRP think/VBP isn't/VBZ this/DT a/DT discussion/NN
26 7 Yeah/JJ let/NNS talk/VBP about/IN the/DT state/NN of
18 3 Finish/VB your/PRP sentence/JJ
16 6 OK/NNP now/RB I/PRP can/MD weigh/VB in/NN
3 1 Now
16 6 Now/NNP I/PRP get/VBP to/TO weigh/VB in/NN
19 6 Now/NNP let/VB me/PRP just/RB say/VBP this
97 22 Governor/NNP Pence/NNP Governor/NNP Pence/NNP doesn't/NN think/VBP the/DT world/NNS going/VBG so/RB well/RB and/CC he/NN you/PRP know/VBP is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO say/VB it/NNS everybody/NNS fault/JJ
16 5 Let/VB me/PRP tell/VB you/PRP this/JJ
88 18 When/WRB Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP became/VBD secretary/NN of/IN state/NNP Governor/NNP Pence/NNP did/VBD you/PRP know/VBP that/IN Osama/NNP bin/NN Laden/NNP was/VBD alive/VBG
68 15 Do/VBP you/PRP know/VBP that/IN we/PRP had/VBD troops/NNS deployed/VBN in/IN the/DT battlefield/NN in/IN Iraq/NNP and/CC Afghanistan/NNP
79 17 Do/VBP you/PRP know/VBP that/IN Iran/NNP was/VBD racing/VBG toward/IN a/DT nuclear/JJ weapon/NN and/CC Russia/NNP was/VBD expanding/VBG its/PRP stockpile/NN
157 34 Under/IN Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP leadership/NN she/PRP was/VBD part/NN of/IN the/DT national/JJ team/NN public/JJ safety/NN team/NN that/WDT went/VBD after/IN and/CC revived/VBD the/DT dormant/JJ hunt/NN against/IN bin/NN Laden/NNP and/CC wiped/VBD him/PRP off/IN the/DT face/NN of/IN the/DT Earth/NNP
67 13 She/PRP worked/VBD to/TO deal/VB with/IN the/DT Russians/NNPS to/TO reduce/VB their/PRP chemical/NN weapons/NNS stockpile/JJ
111 21 She/PRP worked/VBD a/DT tough/JJ negotiation/NN with/IN nations/NNS around/IN the/DT world/NN to/TO eliminate/VB the/DT Iranian/JJ nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS program/VBP without/IN firing/VBG a/DT shot/JJ
28 5 Absolutely/NNS without/IN firing/VBG a/DT shot/JJ
51 10 And/CC instead/RB of/IN American/JJ troops/NNS deployed/VBD overseas/NN we/PRP now/RB have/VBP
26 6 These/DT are/VBP very/VBG very/RB good/JJ things/JJ
59 15 Well/NNS if/IN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO put/VB more/JJR American/JJ troops/NNS in/IN Iraq/NNP you/PRP can/MD propose/VB that/JJ
17 4 No/NNP that/WDT is/VBZ incorrect/JJ
13 2 That/NNP incorrect/JJ
19 5 But/CC I'd/NNP like/IN to/TO correct
51 12 Governor/NNP President/NNP Bush/NNP said/VBD we/PRP would/MD leave/VB Iraq/NNP at/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN
84 19 And/NNP Elaine/NNP Iraq/NNP didn't/VBD want/VBP our/PRP troops/NNS to/TO stay/VB and/CC they/PRP wouldn't/VBP give/NN us/PRP the/DT protection/NN for/IN our/PRP troops/JJ
12 3 And/CC guess/VBP what/VBG
93 22 If/IN a/DT nation/NN where/WRB our/PRP troops/NNS are/VBP serving/VBG does/VBZ not/RB want/VB us/PRP to/TO stay/VB we're/NN not/RB going/VBG to/TO stay/VB without/IN their/PRP protection/JJ
49 12 If/IN Governor/NNP Pence/NNP wants/VBZ to/TO put/VB more/JJR troops/NNS back/RB in/IN Iraq/NNP that
2 1 OK/UH
65 12 Elaine/NNS on/IN the/DT economy/NN there/VBZ a/DT fundamental/JJ choice/NN for/IN the/DT American/JJ electorate/JJ
91 21 Do/VBP you/PRP want/VBP a/DT you're/NN hired/NN president/NN in/IN Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP or/CC do/VBP you/PRP want/VB a/DT you're/NN fired/NN president/NN in/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP
28 8 I/PRP think/VBP that/NNS not/RB such/JJ a/DT hard/JJ choice/CD
54 15 Hillary/NNP and/CC I/PRP have/VBP a/DT plan/NN that/NNS on/IN the/DT table/NN that/VBZ a/DT you're/NN hired/NN plan/CD
14 2 Five/CD components/JJ
94 19 First/JJ thing/NN we/PRP do/VBP is/VBZ we/PRP invest/VBP in/IN manufacturing/NN infrastructure/NN and/CC research/NN in/IN the/DT clean/JJ energy/NN jobs/NNS of/IN tomorrow/JJ
140 28 Second/JJ thing/NN is/VBZ we/PRP invest/VBP in/IN our/PRP workforce/NN from/IN pre-K/JJ education/NN to/TO great/JJ teachers/NNS to/TO debt-free/JJ college/NN and/CC tuition-free/JJ college/NN for/IN families/NNS that/WDT make/VBP less/JJR than/IN a/DT year/CD
129 29 Third/NNP we/PRP promote/VBP fairness/NN by/IN raising/VBG the/DT minimum/JJ wage/NN so/IN you/PRP can't/MD work/VB full-time/JJ and/CC be/VB under/IN the/DT poverty/NN level/NN and/CC by/IN paying/VBG women/NNS equal/JJ pay/NN for/IN equal/JJ work/CD
102 22 Fourth/NNP we/PRP promote/VBP small/JJ business/NN growth/NN just/RB as/IN we've/NN done/VBN in/IN Virginia/NNP to/TO make/VB it/PRP easier/JJR to/TO start/VB and/CC grow/VB small/JJ businesses/CD
45 9 Hillary/NNP and/CC I/PRP each/DT grew/VBD up/IN in/IN small-business/NN families/CD
51 13 My/PRP dad/NN who/WP ran/VBD an/DT iron/NN working/VBG and/CC welding/NN shop/NN is/VBZ here/RB tonight/JJ
158 36 And/JJ fifth/NN we/PRP have/VBP a/DT tax/NN plan/NN that/IN targets/NNS tax/VBP relief/NN to/TO middle-/VB class/NN individuals/NNS and/CC small/JJ businesses/NNS and/CC asks/VBZ those/DT at/IN the/DT very/RB top/JJ who've/NN benefited/VBD as/IN we've/NN come/VB out/IN of/IN recession/NN to/TO pay/VB more/CD
28 7 The/DT Trump/NNP plan/NN is/VBZ a/DT different/JJ plan/CD
18 5 It/NNP a/DT you're/NN fired/NN plan/CD
26 7 And/CC there/NNS two/CD key/JJ elements/NNS to/TO it/VB
35 8 First/NNP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP said/VBD wages/NNS are/VBP too/RB high/CD
74 16 And/CC both/DT Donald/NNP Trump/NNP and/CC Mike/NNP Pence/NNP think/VBP we/PRP ought/MD to/TO eliminate/VB the/DT federal/JJ minimum/JJ wage/CD
66 14 Mike/NNP Pence/NNP when/WRB he/PRP was/VBD in/IN Congress/NNP voted/VBD against/IN raising/VBG the/DT minimum/JJ wage/NN above/IN
63 13 And/CC he/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT one-man/JJ bulwark/NN against/IN minimum/JJ wage/NN increases/NNS in/IN Indiana/NNP
115 26 The/DT second/JJ component/NN of/IN the/DT plan/NN is/VBZ massive/JJ tax/NN breaks/NNS for/IN the/DT very/JJ top/NN trillions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS of/IN tax/NN breaks/NNS for/IN people/NNS just/RB like/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP
127 28 The/DT problem/NN with/IN this/NNP Elaine/NNP is/VBZ that/NNS exactly/RB what/WP we/PRP did/VBD years/NNS ago/RB and/CC it/PRP put/VBP the/DT economy/NN into/IN the/DT deepest/JJS recession/NN the/DT deepest/JJS recession/NN since/IN the/DT 1930s/CD
68 13 Independent/JJ analysts/NNS say/VBP the/DT Clinton/NNP plan/NN would/MD grow/VB the/DT economy/NN by/IN million/CD jobs/CD
32 7 The/DT Trump/NNP plan/NN would/MD cost/VB million/CD jobs/CD
30 8 And/CC Donald/NNP Trump/NNP why/WRB would/MD he/PRP do/VB this/NN
34 7 Because/IN his/PRP tax/NN plan/NN basically/RB helps/VBZ him/NN
142 36 And/CC if/IN he/PRP ever/RB met/VBD his/PRP promise/NN and/CC he/PRP gave/VBD his/PRP tax/NN returns/NNS to/TO the/DT American/JJ public/JJ like/IN he/PRP said/VBD he/PRP would/VBP we/PRP would/MD see/VB just/RB how/WRB much/JJ his/PRP economic/JJ plan/NN is/VBZ really/RB a/DT Trump-first/NNP plan/CD
21 4 Fifteen/CD million/CD new/JJ jobs/NN
21 4 Fifteen/CD million/CD new/JJ jobs/NN
36 8 And/CC the/DT poverty/NN level/NN and/CC the/DT median/JJ income
30 4 improved/VBN dramatically/RB between/IN and/CC
46 13 But/CC it/NNS not/RB the/DT giveaway/NN tax/NN relief/NN to/TO the/DT folks/NNS at/IN the/DT top/JJ
85 18 I/PRP am/VBP interested/JJ to/TO hear/VB whether/IN he'll/NN defend/VB his/PRP running/NN mate/NNS not/RB releasing/VBG taxes/NNS and/CC not/RB paying/VBG taxes/JJ
33 8 But/CC why/WRB won't/NN he/PRP release/VBP his/PRP tax/NN returns/NN
26 9 I/PRP do/VBP want/VB to/TO come/VB back/RB to/TO that/VB but
16 5 How/WRB do/VBP you/PRP know/VB that/VBG
29 6 Elaine/NNP let/VB me/PRP talk/VB about/IN something/JJ
2 1 OK/UH
88 20 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP started/VBD this/DT campaign/NN in/IN and/CC he/PRP said/VBP If/VBG I/PRP run/VBP for/IN president/NN I/PRP will/MD absolutely/RB release/VB my/PRP taxes/JJ
16 4 He/NNP broken/VBN his/PRP first
23 5 He/NNP broken/VBN his/PRP first/JJ promise/CD
23 6 Second/NNP he/PRP stood/VBD on/IN the/DT stage
90 22 He/PRP stood/VBD on/IN the/DT stage/NN last/JJ week/NN and/CC when/WRB Hillary/NNP said/NN you/PRP haven't/VBP been/VBN paying/VBG taxes/NN he/PRP said/VBP That/VBG makes/VBZ me/PRP smart/JJ
31 9 So/RB it/VBZ smart/JJ not/RB to/TO pay/VB for/IN our/PRP military/NN
26 7 It/NNP smart/JJ not/RB to/TO pay/VB for/IN veterans/NN
26 7 It/NNP smart/JJ not/RB to/TO pay/VB for/IN teachers/NN
55 16 And/CC I/PRP guess/VBP all/DT of/IN us/PRP who/WP do/VBP pay/VB for/IN those/DT things/NN I/PRP guess/VBP we're/VBG stupid/JJ
28 8 And/CC the/DT last/JJ thing/NN I'll/NNP say/VBP is/VBZ this
49 13 The/DT last/JJ thing/NN the/DT last/JJ thing/NN I/PRP want/VBP to/TO ask/VB Governor/NNP Pence/NNP is
83 19 Governor/NNP Pence/NNP had/VBD to/TO give/VB Donald/NNP Trump/NNP his/PRP tax/NN returns/NNS to/TO show/VB he/PRP was/VBD qualified/VBN to/TO be/VB vice/NN president/JJ
83 18 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP must/MD give/VB the/DT American/JJ public/JJ his/PRP tax/NN returns/NNS to/TO show/VB that/IN he/NNS qualified/VBN to/TO be/VB president/JJ
23 5 And/CC he/NNS breaking/VBG his/PRP promise/CD
36 9 But/CC he/PRP said/VBD he/PRP would/MD release/VB his/PRP tax/NN returns/JJ
49 10 Richard/NNP Nixon/NNP released/VBD tax/NN returns/NNS when/WRB he/PRP was/VBD under/IN audit/JJ
27 6 If/IN you/PRP can't/MD meet/VB Nixon/NNP standard
8 2 All/DT right/JJ
20 5 We're/NNP having/VBG fun/NN up/IN here/CD
105 21 First/JJ we're/NN going/VBG to/TO protect/VB Social/NNP Security/NNP which/WDT is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT greatest/JJS programs/NNS that/IN the/DT American/JJ government/NN has/VBZ ever/RB done/JJ
158 36 It/PRP happened/VBD at/IN a/DT time/NN when/WRB you/PRP would/MD work/VB your/PRP whole/JJ life/VBG your/PRP whole/JJ life/NN raising/VBG your/PRP kids/NN working/NN being/VBG a/DT Little/NNP League/NNP coach/NN or/CC a/DT Sunday/NNP school/NN teacher/NN and/CC then/RB you/PRP would/MD retire/VB into/IN poverty/JJ
83 16 And/CC Social/NNP Security/NNP has/VBZ enabled/VBN people/NNS to/TO retire/VB with/IN dignity/NN and/CC overwhelmingly/RB not/RB be/VB in/IN poverty/JJ
21 6 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO keep/VB it/PRP solvent/JJ
22 6 And/CC we/PRP will/MD keep/VB it/PRP solvent/JJ
75 17 And/CC we'll/NN look/NN for/IN strategies/NNS like/IN adjusting/VBG the/DT payroll/NN tax/NN cap/NN upward/RB in/IN order/NN to/TO do/VB that/JJ
28 8 Here/NNP what/WP Hillary/NNP and/CC I/PRP will/MD not/RB do/JJ
27 8 And/CC I/PRP want/VBP to/TO make/VB this/DT very/RB plain/CD
60 13 We/PRP will/MD never/VB ever/RB engage/VB in/IN a/DT risky/JJ scheme/NN to/TO privatize/VB Social/NNP Security/NNP
95 23 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP wrote/VBD a/DT book/NN and/CC he/PRP said/VBD Social/NNP Security/NNP is/VBZ a/DT Ponzi/NNP scheme/NN and/CC privatization/NN would/MD be/VB good/JJ for/IN all/DT of/IN us/CD
95 18 And/CC when/WRB Congressman/NNP Pence/NNP was/VBD in/IN Congress/NNP he/PRP was/VBD the/DT chief/JJ cheerleader/NN for/IN the/DT privatization/NN of/IN Social/NNP Security/NNP
73 14 Even/RB after/IN President/NNP Bush/NNP stopped/VBD pushing/VBG for/IN it/NNP Congressman/NNP Pence/NNP kept/VBD pushing/VBG for/IN it/JJ
58 11 We're/NNP going/VBG to/TO stand/VB up/IN against/IN efforts/NNS to/TO privatize/VB Social/NNP Security/NNP
81 18 And/CC we'll/NN look/NN for/IN ways/NNS to/TO keep/VB it/PRP solvent/JJ going/NN forward/NN focusing/VBG primarily/RB on/IN the/DT payroll/NN tax/NN cap/NN
19 6 Go/VB read/NN go/VB read/NN the/DT book/CD
13 4 Go/VB read/NN the/DT book/CD
34 8 But/CC but/CC you/PRP have/VBP a/DT voting/NN record/NNP Governor/NNP
1 1 I
50 11 I/PRP can't/MD believe/VB that/IN you/PRP won't/VBP defend/VB your/PRP own/JJ voting/NN record/JJ
24 6 You're/NNP not/RB going/VBG to/TO cut/VB taxes/JJ
39 9 You're/NNP going/VBG to/TO raise/VB taxes/NNS on/IN the/DT middle/NN class/CD
107 25 You/PRP did/VBD ask/VB this/DT question/NN about/IN debt/NN and/CC the/DT debt/NN explosion/NN on/IN the/DT Trump/NNP plan/NN is/VBZ much/VBG much/RB bigger/JJR than/IN anything/NN on/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP side/JJ
32 8 Elaine/NNP I/PRP think/VBP that/VBZ a/DT very/RB fair/JJ comment/JJ
32 9 I/PRP think/VBP we/PRP put/VBP a/DT lot/NN on/IN police/NN shoulders/JJ
53 14 And/CC this/DT is/VBZ something/NN I/PRP got/VBD a/DT lot/NN of/IN scar/NN tissue/NN and/CC experience/NN on/CD
37 9 I/PRP was/VBD a/DT city/NN councilman/NN and/CC mayor/NN in/IN Richmond/NNP
64 17 And/CC when/WRB I/PRP came/VBD in/NN we/PRP had/VBD one/CD of/IN the/DT highest/JJS homicide/NN rates/NNS in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
116 27 We/PRP fought/VBD very/NN very/RB hard/JJ over/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN my/PRP time/NN in/IN local/JJ office/NN with/IN our/PRP police/NN department/NN and/CC we/PRP reduced/VBD our/PRP homicide/NN rate/NN nearly/RB in/IN half/CD
48 12 And/CC then/RB when/WRB I/PRP was/VBD governor/NN of/IN Virginia/NNP we/PRP worked/VBD hard/NN too/JJ
38 10 And/CC we/PRP did/VBD something/NN we/PRP had/VBD really/RB wanted/VBN to/TO do/VB
69 15 For/IN the/DT first/JJ time/NN ever/NN we/PRP cracked/VBD the/DT top/JJ safest/JJS states/NN because/IN we/PRP worked/VBD together/JJ
36 10 Here/NNP what/WP I/PRP learned/VBD as/IN a/DT mayor/NN and/CC a/DT governor/CD
82 17 The/DT way/NN you/PRP make/VBP communities/NNS safer/JJR and/CC the/DT way/NN you/PRP make/VBP police/NN safer/JJR is/VBZ through/IN community/NN policing/CD
183 35 You/PRP build/VBP the/DT bonds/NNS between/IN the/DT community/NN and/CC the/DT police/NN force/NN build/NN bonds/NNS of/IN understanding/NN and/CC then/RB when/WRB people/NNS feel/VBP comfortable/JJ in/IN their/PRP communities/NN that/DT gap/NN between/IN the/DT police/NN and/CC the/DT communities/NNS they/PRP serve/VBP narrows/CD
67 16 And/CC when/WRB that/DT gap/NN narrows/NN it/NNS safer/JJR for/IN the/DT communities/NNS and/CC it/NNS safer/JJR for/IN the/DT police/CD
112 22 That/DT model/NN still/RB works/VBZ across/IN our/PRP country/NN but/CC there/EX are/VBP some/DT other/JJ models/NNS that/WDT don't/VB work/VBG an/DT overly/RB aggressive/VBP more/RBR militarized/VBN model/JJ
67 13 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP recently/RB said/VBD we/PRP need/VBP to/TO do/VB more/RBR stop-and-frisk/JJ around/IN the/DT country/JJ
86 17 That/DT would/MD be/VB a/DT big/JJ mistake/NN because/IN it/PRP polarizes/VBZ the/DT relationship/NN between/IN the/DT police/NN and/CC the/DT community/JJ
17 5 So/RB here/VBZ what/WP we'll/NN do/JJ
29 5 We'll/JJ focus/NN on/IN community/NN policing/CD
191 39 We/PRP will/MD focus/VB on/IN and/CC Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP has/VBZ rolled/VBN out/RP a/DT really/RB comprehensive/JJ mental/JJ health/NN reform/NN package/NN that/IN she/PRP worked/VBD on/IN with/IN law/NN enforcement/NN professionals/NN and/CC we/PRP will/MD also/RB fight/VB the/DT scourge/NN of/IN gun/NN violence/NN in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
13 3 I'm/NNP a/DT gun-owner/CD
34 6 I'm/NNP a/DT strong/JJ Second/NNP Amendment/NNP supporter/JJ
295 64 But/CC I've/NNP got/VBD a/DT lot/NN of/IN scar/NN tissue/NN because/IN when/WRB I/PRP was/VBD governor/NN of/IN Virginia/NNP there/EX was/VBD a/DT horrible/JJ shooting/NN at/IN Virginia/NNP Tech/NNP and/CC we/PRP learned/VBD that/IN through/IN that/DT painful/JJ situation/NN that/IN gaps/NNS in/IN the/DT background/NN record/NN check/NN system/NN should/MD have/VB been/VBN closed/VBN and/CC it/PRP could/MD have/VB prevented/VBN that/DT crime/NN and/CC so/RB we're/VBP going/VBG to/TO work/VB to/TO do/VB things/NNS like/IN close/NN background/NN record/NN checks/CD
41 12 And/CC if/IN we/PRP do/VBP we/PRP won't/VBP have/VBP the/DT tragedies/NNS that/DT we/PRP did/JJ
55 13 One/CD of/IN those/DT killed/VBN at/IN Virginia/NNP Tech/NNP was/VBD a/DT guy/NN named/VBN Liviu/NNP Librescu/NNP
47 7 He/PRP was/VBD a/DT 70-plus-year-old/JJ Romanian/JJ Holocaust/NNP survivor/CD
25 5 He/PRP had/VBD survived/VBN the/DT Holocaust/NNP
48 10 Then/RB he/PRP survived/VBD the/DT Soviet/NNP Union/NNP takeover/NN of/IN his/PRP country/JJ
87 19 But/CC then/RB he/PRP was/VBD a/DT visiting/VBG professor/NN at/IN Virginia/NNP Tech/NNP and/CC he/PRP couldn't/MD survive/VB the/DT scourge/NN of/IN gun/NN violence/CD
110 24 We/PRP can/MD support/VB the/DT Second/NNP Amendment/NNP and/CC do/VBP things/NNS like/IN background/NN record/NN checks/NNS and/CC make/VB us/PRP safer/VB and/CC that/DT will/MD make/VB police/NN safer/NN too/JJ
15 5 Can/MD I/PRP can/MD I/PRP explain
72 15 Elaine/NNP Elaine/NNP people/NNS shouldn't/MD be/VB afraid/JJ to/TO bring/VB up/IN issues/NNS of/IN bias/NN in/IN law/NN enforcement/JJ
23 6 And/CC if/IN you're/NN afraid/JJ to/TO have
56 13 And/CC if/IN if/IN you're/NN afraid/JJ to/TO have/VB the/DT discussion/NN you'll/NN never/RB solve/VB it/JJ
35 7 And/CC so/RB here/VBZ here/VBZ an/DT example/NN heartbreaking/JJ
40 8 We/PRP would/MD agree/VB this/DT was/VBD a/DT heartbreaking/JJ example/CD
80 21 The/DT guy/NNP Philando/NNP Castile/NNP who/WP was/VBD killed/VBN in/IN St/NNP Paul/NNP he/PRP was/VBD a/DT worker/VBG a/DT valued/VBN worker/NN in/IN a/DT local/JJ school/CD
85 19 And/CC he/PRP was/VBD killed/VBN for/IN no/DT apparent/JJ reason/NN in/IN an/DT incident/NN that/WDT will/MD be/VB discussed/VBN and/CC will/MD be/VB investigated/JJ
139 31 But/CC when/WRB folks/NNS went/VBD and/CC explored/VBD this/DT situation/NN what/WP they/PRP found/VBD is/VBZ that/IN Philando/NNP Castile/NNP who/WP was/VBD a/DT they/PRP called/VBD him/PRP Mr/NNP Rogers/NNP with/IN Dreadlocks/NNP in/IN the/DT school/NN that/DT he/PRP worked/JJ
15 4 The/DT kids/NNS loved/VBD him/NN
57 13 But/CC he/PRP had/VBD been/VBN stopped/VBN by/IN police/NN or/CC times/NNS before/IN that/DT fatal/JJ incident/JJ
112 22 And/CC if/IN you/PRP look/VBP at/IN sentencing/NN in/IN this/DT country/NN African-Americans/NNPS and/CC Latinos/NNP get/VB sentenced/VBN for/IN the/DT same/JJ crimes/NNS at/IN very/RB different/JJ rates/JJ
8 3 Well/NNP we/PRP do/JJ
43 13 But/CC I/PRP just/RB want/VBP to/TO say/VB those/DT who/WP say/VBP that/IN we/PRP should/MD not
78 20 we/PRP should/MD not/RB be/VB able/JJ to/TO bring/VB up/IN and/CC talk/NN about/IN bias/NN in/IN the/DT system/NN we'll/NN never/RB solve/VB the/DT problem
88 23 Well/NNP I/PRP guess/VBP I/PRP can't/MD believe/VB you/PRP are/VBP defending/VBG the/DT position/NN that/IN there/EX is/VBZ no/DT bias/NN and/CC it/VBZ a/DT topic/NN we/PRP don't/VB even
11 3 A/DT U.S/NNP senator/JJ
10 3 Elaine/NNP can/MD I
16 5 Elaine/NNP let/VB me/PRP let/VB me
28 9 Elaine/NNS if/IN I/PRP could/MD if/IN I/PRP could/MD jump/VB in/NN
41 8 I've/NNP heard/VBD Senator/NNP Scott/NNP make/VB that/DT eloquent/JJ plea/CD
70 15 And/CC look/NN criminal/JJ justice/NN is/VBZ about/IN respecting/VBG the/DT law/NN and/CC being/VBG respected/VBN by/IN the/DT law/NN
37 8 So/RB there/EX is/VBZ a/DT fundamental/JJ respect/NN issue/NN here/CD
47 14 And/CC I/PRP just/RB want/VBP to/TO talk/VB about/IN the/DT tone/NN that/NNS set/VBN from/IN the/DT top/JJ
64 11 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP during/IN his/PRP campaign/NN has/VBZ called/VBN Mexicans/NNPS rapists/NNS and/CC criminals/CD
36 7 He/NNP called/VBD women/NNS slobs/VBP pigs/VBG dogs/NN disgusting/JJ
46 13 I/PRP don't/VB like/IN saying/VBG that/IN in/IN front/NN of/IN my/PRP wife/NN and/CC my/PRP mother/NN
108 21 He/PRP attacked/VBD an/DT Indiana-born/NNP federal/JJ judge/NN and/CC said/VBD he/PRP was/VBD unqualified/JJ to/TO hear/VB a/DT federal/JJ lawsuit/NN because/IN his/PRP parents/NNS were/VBD Mexican/NNP
67 16 He/PRP went/VBD after/IN John/NNP McCain/NNP a/DT POW/NNP and/CC said/VBD he/PRP wasn't/NN hero/NN because/IN he'd/NN been/VBN captured/JJ
38 7 He/PRP said/VBD African-Americans/NNPS are/VBP living/VBG in/IN Hell/NNP
77 16 And/CC he/PRP perpetrated/VBD this/DT outrageous/JJ and/CC bigoted/JJ lie/NN that/IN President/NNP Obama/NNP is/VBZ not/RB a/DT U.S/NNP citizen/JJ
124 29 If/IN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO have/VB a/DT society/NN where/WRB people/NNS are/VBP respected/VBN and/CC respect/NN laws/NN you/PRP can't/MD have/VB somebody/NN at/IN the/DT top/JJ who/WP demeans/VBZ every/DT group/NN that/IN he/PRP talks/VBZ about/JJ
99 20 And/CC I/PRP just/RB again/NN I/PRP cannot/MD believe/VB that/IN Governor/NNP Pence/NNP will/MD defend/VB the/DT insult-driven/JJ campaign/NN that/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP has/VBZ run/CD
10 2 I/PRP apologize/CD
16 4 It/NNP your/PRP two/CD minutes/JJ
10 2 I/PRP apologize/CD
102 23 Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP said/VBD something/NN on/IN the/DT campaign/NN trail/NN and/CC the/DT very/RB next/JJ day/NN she/PRP said/VBP you/PRP know/VBP what/VBG I/PRP shouldn't/MD have/VB said/VB that/JJ
27 7 Yeah/JJ that/NNS right/VBP so/RB now/JJ we're/NN even/CD
63 14 Look/VB for/IN Donald/NNP trump/NN apologizing/VBG to/TO John/NNP McCain/NNP for/IN saying/VBG he/PRP wasn't/NN a/DT hero
62 11 to/TO Donald/NNP Trump/NNP apologizing/VBG for/IN calling/VBG women/NNS slobs/VBP pigs/VBG dogs/NN disgusting/JJ
81 18 Did/VBD Donald/NNP Trump/NNP apologize/VB for/IN taking/VBG after/IN somebody/NN in/IN a/DT Twitter/NNP war/NN and/CC making/VBG fun/NN of/IN her/PRP weight/NN
55 10 Did/VBD he/PRP apologize/VB for/IN saying/VBG African-Americans/NNPS are/VBP living/VBG in/IN Hell/NNP
72 16 Did/VBD he/PRP apologize/VB for/IN saying/VBG President/NNP Obama/NNP was/VBD not/RB even/RB a/DT citizen/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
81 16 You/PRP will/MD look/VB in/IN vain/JJ to/TO see/VB Donald/NNP Trump/NNP ever/RB taking/VBG responsibility/NN for/IN anybody/NN and/CC apologizing/CD
11 1 Immigration/NNP
23 6 There/NNS two/CD plans/NNS on/IN the/DT table/JJ
50 8 Hillary/NNP and/CC I/PRP believe/VBP in/IN comprehensive/JJ immigration/NN reform/CD
38 6 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP believes/VBZ in/IN deportation/NN nation/JJ
25 6 You've/NN got/VBD to/TO pick/VB your/PRP choice/CD
291 62 Hillary/NNP and/CC I/PRP want/VBP a/DT bipartisan/JJ reform/NN that/WDT will/MD put/VB keeping/VBG families/NNS together/RB as/IN the/DT top/JJ goal/NN second/NN that/WDT will/MD help/VB focus/VB enforcement/NN efforts/NNS on/IN those/DT who/WP are/VBP violent/VBG third/NN that/WDT will/MD do/VB more/JJR border/NN control/NN and/NN fourth/NN that/WDT will/MD provide/VB a/DT path/NN to/TO citizenship/NN for/IN those/DT who/WP work/VBP hard/VBG pay/NN taxes/NN play/NN by/IN the/DT rules/NN and/CC take/VB criminal/JJ background/NN record/NN checks/CD
15 3 That/NNP our/PRP proposal/CD
73 13 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP proposes/VBZ to/TO deport/VB million/CD people/NN million/CD who/WP are/VBP here/RB without/IN documents/JJ
65 14 And/CC both/DT Donald/NNP Trump/NNP and/CC Mike/NNP Pence/NNP want/VBP to/TO get/VB rid/JJ of/IN birthright/NN citizenship/JJ
73 16 So/RB if/IN you're/NN born/VBN here/NN but/CC your/PRP parents/NNS don't/VB have/VBP documents/VBG they/PRP want/VBP to/TO eliminate/VB that/JJ
24 4 That/NNP another/DT million/CD people/CD
49 10 These/DT guys/NNS and/CC Donald/NNP Trump/NNP have/VBP said/VBD it/PRP deportation/NN force/CD
79 18 They/PRP want/VBP to/TO go/VB house/NN to/TO house/VB school/NN to/TO school/VB business/NN to/TO business/VB and/CC kick/NN out/IN million/CD people/CD
17 4 And/CC I/PRP cannot/MD believe
130 29 I/PRP cannot/MD believe/VB that/IN Governor/NNP Pence/NNP would/MD sit/VB here/RB and/CC defend/VB his/PRP running/NN mate/NNS claim/VBP that/IN we/PRP should/MD create/VB a/DT deportation/NN force/NN to/TO so/RB that/IN they'll/PRP|MD all/DT be/VB gone/CD
31 6 So/RB you/PRP like/IN the/DT million/CD deportations/NN
33 8 Our/PRP plan/NN is/VBZ like/IN Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP plan/NN from/IN
3 2 No/NNP I
55 11 border/NN security/NN three/CD years/NNS ago/VBP and/CC Governor/NNP Pence/NNP was/VBD against/IN it/JJ
31 7 I/PRP just/RB have/VBP to/TO correct/VB Governor/NNP Pence
7 3 I/PRP have/VBP to
58 12 I/PRP look/VBP forward/RB to/TO working/VBG together/RB in/IN whatever/WDT capacities/NNS we/PRP serve/VBP in/NN
75 21 But/CC I/PRP just/RB want/VBP to/TO make/VB it/PRP very/VB very/RB clear/JJ that/IN he/NNS trying/VBG to/TO fuzz/NN up/IN what/WP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP has/VBZ said/JJ
111 25 When/WRB Donald/NNP Trump/NNP spoke/VBD in/IN Phoenix/NNP he/PRP looked/VBD the/DT audience/NN in/IN the/DT eye/NN and/CC he/PRP said/VBP no/VBG we're/NN building/VBG a/DT wall/NN and/CC we're/NN deporting/VBG everybody/JJ
28 8 He/PRP said/VBP quote/VBG They/NN will/MD all/DT be/VB gone/CD
17 5 They/NN will/MD all/DT be/VB gone/CD
81 24 And/CC this/DT is/VBZ one/CD of/IN these/DT ones/NNS where/WRB you/PRP can/MD just/RB go/VB to/TO the/DT tape/NN on/IN it/PRP and/CC see/VB what/WP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP has/VBZ said/JJ
8 3 And/CC to/TO add
60 21 And/CC to/TO add/VB to/TO it/VB and/CC to/TO add/VB to/TO it/VB and/CC to/TO add/VB to/TO it/VB we/PRP are/VBP a/DT nation/NN of/IN immigrants/JJ
50 10 Mike/NNP Pence/NNP and/CC I/PRP both/DT are/VBP descended/VBN from/IN immigrant/NN families/CD
128 28 Some/DT things/NN you/PRP know/VBP maybe/RB weren't/VBP said/VBD so/RB great/JJ about/IN the/DT Irish/JJ when/WRB they/PRP came/VBP but/CC we've/NN done/VBN well/RB by/IN absorbing/VBG immigrants/NN and/CC it/NNS made/VBD our/PRP nation/NN stronger/JJ
220 45 When/WRB Donald/NNP Trump/NNP says/VBZ Mexicans/NNPS are/VBP rapists/NNS and/CC criminals/NN Mexican/JJ immigrants/NN when/WRB Donald/NNP Trump/NNP says/VBZ about/IN your/PRP judge/NN a/DT Hoosier/NNP judge/NN he/PRP said/VBD that/IN Judge/NNP Curiel/NNP was/VBD unqualified/JJ to/TO hear/VB a/DT case/NN because/IN his/PRP parents/NNS were/VBD Mexican/NNP I/PRP can't/MD imagine/VB how/WRB you/PRP could/MD defend/VB that/JJ
61 13 The/DT terrorist/JJ threat/NN has/VBZ decreased/VBN in/IN some/DT ways/NN because/IN bin/NN Laden/NNP is/VBZ dead/JJ
91 17 The/DT terrorist/JJ threat/NN has/VBZ decreased/VBN in/IN some/DT ways/NNS because/IN an/DT Iranian/JJ nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS program/VBP has/VBZ been/VBN stopped/JJ
105 23 The/DT terrorist/JJ threat/NN to/TO United/NNP States/NNPS troops/NNS has/VBZ been/VBN decreased/VBN in/IN some/DT ways/NNS because/IN there/NNS not/RB in/IN a/DT dangerous/JJ part/NN of/IN the/DT world/JJ
9 2 There/NNS only/RB
49 11 But/CC there/EX are/VBP other/JJ parts/NNS of/IN the/DT world/NN that/WDT are/VBP challenging/CD
81 20 Let/VB me/PRP tell/VB you/PRP this/VB To/TO beat/VB terrorism/NN there/NNS only/RB one/CD candidate/NN who/WP can/MD do/VB it/NN and/CC it/NNP Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP
48 10 Remember/NNP Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP was/VBD the/DT senator/NN from/IN New/NNP York/NNP on/IN
80 17 She/PRP was/VBD there/RB at/IN the/DT World/NNP Trade/NNP Center/NNP when/WRB they/PRP were/VBD still/RB searching/VBG for/IN victims/NNS and/CC survivors/CD
39 9 That/NNP seared/VBD onto/IN her/VBG the/DT need/NN to/TO beat/VB terrorism/JJ
20 8 And/CC she/NNS got/VBD a/DT plan/NN to/TO do/VB it/JJ
55 13 She/PRP was/VBD part/NN of/IN the/DT national/JJ security/NN team/NN that/WDT wiped/VBD out/IN bin/NN Laden/NNP
23 6 Here/NNP her/PRP plan/NN to/TO defeat/VB ISIL/NNP
56 12 First/JJ we've/NN got/VBD to/TO keep/VB taking/VBG out/RP their/PRP leaders/NNS on/IN the/DT battlefield/JJ
96 25 She/PRP was/VBD part/NN of/IN the/DT team/NN that/WDT got/VBD bin/NN Laden/NNP and/CC she'll/NN lead/NN the/DT team/NN that/WDT will/MD get/VB Abu/NNP Bakr/NNP al-Baghdadi/VBD the/DT head/NN of/IN ISIS/NNP
103 20 Second/JJ we've/NN got/VBD to/TO disrupt/VB financing/NN networks/NN third/NN disrupt/VB their/PRP ability/NN to/TO recruit/VB on/IN the/DT Internet/NNP in/IN their/PRP safe/JJ havens/CD
62 14 But/JJ fourth/NN we/PRP also/RB have/VBP to/TO work/VB with/IN allies/NNS to/TO share/VB and/CC surge/NN intelligence/JJ
50 12 That/NNP the/DT Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP plan/NN she/NNS got/VBD the/DT experience/NN to/TO do/VB it/JJ
11 2 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP
79 16 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP can't/MD start/VB a/DT Twitter/NNP war/NN with/IN Miss/NNP Universe/NNP without/IN shooting/NN himself/PRP in/IN the/DT foot/JJ
27 6 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP doesn't/NN have/VBP a/DT plan/CD
73 21 He/PRP said/VBP I/VBG have/VBP a/DT secret/JJ plan/NN and/CC then/RB he/PRP said/VBP Um/VBG I/PRP know/VBP more/JJR than/IN all/PDT the/DT generals/NNS about/IN ISIL/NNP
60 17 And/CC then/RB he/PRP said/VBP I'm/VBG going/VBG to/TO call/VB the/DT generals/NNS to/TO help/VB me/PRP figure/VB out/RP a/DT plan/CD
44 11 And/CC finally/RB he/PRP said/VBP I'm/VBG going/VBG to/TO fire/VB all/PDT the/DT generals/CD
18 5 He/PRP doesn't/VBP have/VBP a/DT plan/CD
27 6 But/CC he/PRP does/VBZ have/VBP dangerous/JJ ideas/JJ
8 2 Here/NNP four/CD
23 5 He/PRP trash/NN talks/VBZ the/DT military/JJ
85 22 The/DT military/NN is/VBZ a/DT disaster/NNP John/NNP McCain/NNP no/DT hero/VBG the/DT generals/NNS need/VBP all/DT to/TO be/VB fired/VBN and/CC I/PRP know/VBP more/JJR than/IN them/JJ
24 6 He/PRP wants/VBZ to/TO tear/VB up/IN alliances/CD
66 15 NATO/NNP is/VBZ obsolete/VBG and/CC we'll/NN only/JJ work/NN together/RB with/IN Israel/NNP if/IN they/PRP pay/VBP big/VBG league/CD
21 4 Third/NNP he/PRP loves/VBZ dictators/JJ
70 14 He/NNP got/VBD kind/NN of/IN a/DT personal/NNP Mount/NNP Rushmore/NNP Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP Kim/NNP Jong-un/NNP Moammar/NNP Gadhafi
16 3 and/CC Saddam/NNP Hussein/NNP
117 23 And/CC last/JJ and/CC most/RBS dangerously/NNP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP believes/VBZ Donald/NNP Trump/NNP believes/VBZ that/IN the/DT world/NN will/MD be/VB safer/JJR if/IN more/JJR nations/NNS have/VBP nuclear/JJ weapons/CD
66 15 He/NNP said/VBD Saudi/NNP Arabia/NNP should/MD get/VB them/NN Japan/NNP should/MD get/VB them/NN Korea/NNP should/MD get/VB them/JJ
164 35 And/CC when/WRB he/PRP was/VBD confronted/VBN with/IN this/NN and/CC told/NN wait/NN a/DT minute/NN terrorists/NNS could/MD get/VB those/NN proliferation/NN could/MD lead/VB to/TO nuclear/JJ war/NN here/NNS what/WP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP said/NN and/CC I/PRP quote/VBP Go/VBG ahead/NN folks/NN enjoy/VB yourselves/CD
71 16 I'd/JJ love/NN to/TO hear/VB Governor/NNP Pence/NNP tell/VB me/PRP what/VBZ so/RB enjoyable/JJ or/CC comical/JJ about/IN nuclear/JJ war/CD
38 12 Well/NNP I'm/NNP going/VBG to/TO see/VB if/IN you/PRP can/MD defend/VB any/DT of/IN it/JJ
30 7 I/PRP was/VBD in/IN Virginia/NNP where/WRB the/DT Pentagon
48 9 Stopping/VBG a/DT nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS program/VBP without/IN firing/VBG a/DT shot/NN
8 3 Yes/NNP we/PRP did/JJ
35 7 Even/RB the/DT Israeli/JJ military/JJ says/NNS it/PRP stopped/JJ
13 4 Elaine/NNP I/PRP want/VBP to
113 20 Or/CC instead/RB of/IN you/PRP violating/VBG the/DT Constitution/NNP by/IN blocking/VBG people/NNS based/VBN on/IN their/PRP national/JJ origin/NN rather/RB than/IN whether/IN they're/NN dangerous/JJ
59 11 That/NNP what/WP the/DT Seventh/NNP Circuit/NNP decided/VBD just/RB here/VBZ the/DT difference/NNP Elaine/NNP
53 11 We/PRP have/VBP different/JJ views/NNS on/IN on/IN refugee/NN issues/NNS and/CC on/IN immigration/JJ
55 12 Hillary/NNP and/CC I/PRP want/VBP to/TO do/VB enforcement/NN based/VBD on/NN are/VBP people/NNS dangerous/VBP
29 7 These/DT guys/NNS say/VBP all/DT Mexicans/NNPS are/VBP bad/JJ
63 14 And/CC with/IN respect/NN to/TO refugees/VB we/PRP want/VB to/TO keep/VB people/NNS out/IN if/IN they're/NN dangerous/JJ
41 9 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP said/VBD keep/VB them/PRP out/IN if/IN they're/NNP Muslim/NNP
9 2 Mike/NNP Pence
49 13 put/VB a/DT program/NN in/IN place/NN to/TO keep/VB them/PRP out/IN if/IN they're/NN from/IN Syria/NNP
75 14 And/CC yesterday/NN an/DT appellate/JJ court/NN with/IN three/CD Republican/NNP judges/NNS struck/VBD down/RP the/DT Pence/NNP plan
26 5 and/CC said/VBD it/PRP was/VBD discriminatory
44 8 We/PRP should/MD focus/VB upon/IN danger/NN not/RB upon/IN discrimination/JJ
46 15 But/CC they/PRP told/VBD you/PRP there/VBZ a/DT right/JJ way/NN and/CC a/DT wrong/JJ way/NN to/TO do/VB it/JJ
16 3 But/NNP Governor/NNP Pence
21 5 But/NNP Governor/NNP Pence/NNP I/PRP just
4 1 Sure/NNP
109 23 Can/MD we/PRP just/RB be/VB clear/JJ Hillary/NNP and/CC I/PRP will/MD do/VB immigration/NN enforcement/NN and/CC we'll/NN vet/NN refugees/NNS based/VBN on/IN whether/IN they're/NN dangerous/JJ or/CC not/NN
95 21 We/PRP won't/VBP do/VBP it/PRP based/VBD on/IN discriminating/VBG against/IN you/PRP from/IN the/DT country/NN you/PRP come/VBP from/IN or/CC the/DT religion/NN that/DT you/PRP practice/JJ
53 9 That/DT is/VBZ completely/RB antithetical/JJ to/TO the/DT Jeffersonian/JJ values/NNS of
49 15 Yes/NNP we/PRP can/VBP and/CC when/WRB we/PRP don't/VB let/NN them/PRP know/VB we/PRP don't/VB let/NN them/PRP in/NN
41 12 When/WRB we/PRP don't/VB know/NN who/WP they/PRP are/VBP we/PRP don't/VB let/NN them/PRP in/NN
40 8 By/IN trashing/VBG all/DT Syrians/NNPS or/CC trashing/VBG all/DT Muslims/NNP
3 1 Yes/NNP
35 5 Intelligence/NN surge/NN is/VBZ two-thirds/NNP Elaine/NNP
11 3 It/NNP two/CD things/JJ
206 40 It/JJ first/NN dramatically/RB expanding/VBG our/PRP intelligence/NN capacities/NNS by/IN hiring/VBG great/JJ professionals/NN but/CC also/RB we've/VBP got/VBD some/DT of/IN the/DT best/JJS intel/NN and/CC cyber/NN employees/NNS in/IN the/DT world/NN right/RB here/RB in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS working/VBG for/IN many/NN of/IN our/PRP private/JJ sector/NN companies/CD
187 34 So/RB it/PRP involves/VBZ increasing/VBG our/PRP own/JJ workforce/NN but/CC striking/JJ great/JJ partnerships/NNS with/IN some/DT of/IN our/PRP cyber/NN and/CC intel/NN experts/NNS in/IN the/DT private/JJ sector/NN so/RB that/IN we/PRP can/VBP consistent/JJ with/IN constitutional/JJ principles/NN gather/VB more/RBR intelligence/JJ
46 10 But/CC the/DT second/JJ piece/NN of/IN this/DT is/VBZ really/VBG really/RB important/JJ
117 21 It/PRP also/RB means/VBZ creating/VBG stronger/JJR alliances/NN because/IN you/PRP gather/VBP intelligence/NN and/CC then/RB you/PRP share/VBP your/PRP intelligence/NN back/RB and/CC forth/RB with/IN allies/CD
84 24 And/CC that/NNS how/WRB you/PRP find/VBP out/IN who/WP may/MD be/VB trying/VBG to/TO recruit/VB who/WP may/MD be/VB trying/VBG to/TO come/VB to/TO one/CD country/NN or/CC the/DT next/JJ
20 3 Alliances/NNS are/VBP critical/JJ
94 25 That/NNP why/WRB Donald/NNP Trump/NNP claim/NN that/IN he/PRP wants/VBZ to/TO that/IN NATO/NNP is/VBZ obsolete/JJ and/CC that/IN we/PRP need/VBP to/TO get/VB rid/JJ of/IN NATO/NNP is/VBZ so/RB dangerous/JJ
42 9 We/PRP will/MD work/VB together/RB in/IN whatever/WDT roles/NNS we/PRP inhabit/JJ
84 14 And/CC all/DT investigation/NN concluded/VBD that/IN not/RB one/CD reasonable/JJ prosecutor/NN would/MD take/VB any/DT additional/JJ step/JJ
43 11 You/PRP don't/VB get/VB to/TO decide/VB the/DT rights/NNS and/CC wrongs/NNS of/IN this/JJ
32 8 We/PRP have/VBP a/DT justice/NN system/NN that/WDT does/VBZ that/JJ
59 11 And/CC a/DT Republican/NNP FBI/NNP director/NN did/VBD an/DT investigation/NN and/CC concluded/VBD that
35 8 That/DT is/VBZ absolutely/RB false/JJ and/CC you/PRP know/VBP that/JJ
22 5 And/CC you/PRP know/VBP that/NNP Governor/NNP
31 6 Because/IN the/DT FBI/NNP did/VBD an/DT investigation/JJ
71 14 And/CC they/PRP concluded/VBD that/IN there/EX was/VBD no/DT reasonable/JJ prosecutor/NN who/WP would/MD take/VB it/PRP further/JJ
5 1 Sorry/NNP
5 1 Syria/NNP
205 40 Hillary/NNP and/CC I/PRP also/RB agree/VBP that/IN the/DT establishment/NN of/IN humanitarian/JJ zones/NNS in/IN northern/JJ Syria/NNP with/IN the/DT provision/NN of/IN international/JJ human/JJ aid/NN consistent/JJ with/IN the/DT U.N/NNP Security/NNP Council/NNP resolution/NN that/WDT was/VBD passed/VBN in/IN February/NNP would/MD be/VB a/DT very/NN very/RB good/JJ idea/JJ
71 19 And/CC Hillary/NNP also/RB has/VBZ the/DT ability/NN to/TO stand/VB up/IN to/TO Russia/NNP in/IN a/DT way/NN that/IN this/DT ticket/NN does/VBZ not/NN
47 9 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP again/RB and/CC again/NN has/VBZ praised/VBN Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP
81 17 And/CC it/NNS clear/JJ that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ business/NN dealings/NNS with/IN Russian/NNP oligarchs/NNS who/WP are/VBP very/RB connected/VBN to/TO Putin/NNP
106 22 The/DT Trump/NNP campaign/NN management/NN team/NN had/VBD to/TO be/VB fired/VBN a/DT month/NN or/CC so/RB ago/RB because/IN of/IN those/DT shadowy/JJ connections/NNS with/IN pro-Putin/JJ forces/CD
90 18 Governor/NNP Pence/NNP made/VBD the/DT odd/JJ claim/NN he/PRP said/VBD inarguably/RB Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP is/VBZ a/DT better/JJR leader/NN than/IN President/NNP Obama/NNP
42 9 Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP has/VBZ run/VBN his/PRP economy/NN into/IN the/DT ground/JJ
35 6 He/PRP persecutes/VBZ LGBT/NNP folks/NNS and/CC journalists/JJ
102 21 If/IN you/PRP don't/VB know/NN the/DT difference/NN between/IN dictatorship/NN and/CC leadership/NN then/RB you/PRP got/VBD to/TO go/VB back/RB to/TO a/DT fifth-grade/NN civics/NNS class/CD
24 6 I'll/NNP tell/VB you/PRP what/WP offends/VBZ me
79 15 Governor/NNP Pence/NNP just/RB said/VBD Governor/NNP Pence/NNP just/RB said/VBD that/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP will/MD rebuild/VB the/DT military/JJ
9 3 No/NNP he/PRP won't/JJ
32 6 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP is/VBZ avoiding/VBG paying/VBG taxes/JJ
116 28 The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP story/NN and/CC we/PRP need/VBP to/TO get/VB this/DT but/CC the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP suggested/VBD that/IN he/PRP probably/RB didn't/VBD pay/VB taxes/NNS for/IN about/IN years/NNS starting/VBG in/IN
28 6 Those/DT years/NNS included/VBD the/DT years/NNS of/IN
9 3 So/RB get/VB this/JJ
103 21 On/IN Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP and/CC Donald/NNP Trump/NNP hometown/NN was/VBD attacked/VBN by/IN the/DT worst/JJS terrorist/JJ attack/NN in/IN the/DT history/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
76 18 Young/JJ men/NNS and/CC women/NNS young/JJ men/NNS and/CC women/NNS signed/VBD up/VB to/TO serve/VB in/IN the/DT military/JJ to/TO fight/VB terrorism/JJ
125 25 Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP went/VBD to/TO Washington/NNP to/TO get/VB funds/NNS to/TO rebuild/VB her/PRP city/NN and/CC protect/VB first/JJ responders/NN but/CC Donald/NNP Trump/NNP was/VBD fighting/VBG a/DT very/RB different/JJ fight/JJ
73 17 It/PRP was/VBD a/DT fight/NN to/TO avoid/VB paying/VBG taxes/NNS so/RB that/IN he/PRP wouldn't/VBP support/NN the/DT fight/NN against/IN terror/JJ
23 4 He/PRP wouldn't/VBP support/NN troops/JJ
48 9 He/PRP wouldn't/VBP he/PRP wouldn't/VBP support/NN this/DT is/VBZ important/NNP Elaine/NNP
105 20 When/WRB a/DT guy/NN running/VBG for/IN president/NN will/MD not/RB support/VB the/DT troops/NN not/RB support/VB veterans/NN not/RB support/VB teachers/NN that/NNS really/RB important/JJ
85 21 And/CC I/PRP said/VBD about/IN Aleppo/NNP we/PRP do/VBP agree/VB the/DT notion/NN is/VBZ we/PRP have/VBP to/TO create/VB a/DT humanitarian/JJ zone/NN in/IN northern/JJ Syria/NNP
15 3 It/NNP very/RB important/JJ
15 4 He/PRP won't/VBP pay/NN taxes/JJ
18 5 It/PRP is/VBZ about/IN our/PRP troops/JJ
18 5 It/PRP is/VBZ about/IN our/PRP troops/JJ
43 11 How/WRB can/MD you/PRP support/VB the/DT troops/NNS if/IN you/PRP won't/VBP pay/NN taxes/NN
41 11 Do/VBP you/PRP think/VBP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP is/VBZ smart/JJ to/TO not/RB pay/VB taxes/NN
22 7 Well/NNP let/VB me/PRP let/VB me/PRP come/VB back
82 17 and/CC talk/VB about/IN let/NN me/PRP talk/VBP about/IN the/DT things/NNS that/IN Governor/NNP Pence/NNP doesn't/NN want/VBP to/TO acknowledge/VB Elaine/NNP
70 13 He/PRP doesn't/VBP want/VBP to/TO acknowledge/VB that/IN we/PRP stopped/VBD the/DT Iranian/JJ nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS program/CD
26 5 He/PRP doesn't/VBP want/VBP to/TO acknowledge
40 11 that/IN Hillary/NNP was/VBD part/NN of/IN a/DT team/NN that/WDT got/VBD bin/NN Laden/NNP
26 5 He/PRP doesn't/VBP want/VBP to/TO acknowledge
83 22 But/CC do/VBP you/PRP do/VBP you/PRP think/VB do/VBP you/PRP think/VB we/PRP should/MD have/VB more/RBR nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS in/IN the/DT world/NN will/MD make/VB us/PRP safer/VB
25 5 That/NNP what/WP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP thinks/JJ
69 14 But/CC can/MD you/PRP defend/VB Donald/NNP Trump/NNP claim/NN that/IN more/JJR nations/NNS should/MD get/VB nuclear/JJ weapons/NN
52 12 That/NNP what/WP the/DT Israeli/JJ joint/JJ chiefs/NNS of/IN staff/NN is/VBZ saying/VBG right/NN now/CD
27 7 Gadi/NNP Eizenkot/NNP you/PRP can/MD go/VB check/NN it/JJ
11 4 Go/VB to/TO the/DT tape/JJ
24 7 No/NNP I/PRP visited/VBD him/PRP in/IN his/PRP office/CD
22 6 I/PRP visited/VBD him/PRP in/IN his/PRP office/CD
32 9 And/CC then/RB Hillary/NNP used/VBD them/PRP to/TO get/VB a/DT deal/JJ
30 7 Elaine/NNP let/VB me/PRP just/RB mention/VBP one/CD thing/JJ
6 1 Elaine
112 26 Six/CD times/NNS tonight/VBP I/PRP have/VBP said/VBD to/TO Governor/NNP Pence/NNP I/PRP can't/MD imagine/VB how/WRB you/PRP can/MD defend/VB your/PRP running/NN mate/NNS position/VBP on/IN one/CD issue/NN after/IN the/DT next/JJ
47 12 And/CC in/IN all/DT six/CD cases/NN he/NNS refused/VBD to/TO defend/VB his/PRP running/NN mate/JJ
60 14 And/CC yet/RB he/PRP is/VBZ asking/VBG everybody/NN to/TO vote/VB for/IN somebody/NN that/IN he/PRP cannot/MD defend/VB
35 8 And/CC I/PRP just/RB think/VBP that/WDT should/MD be/VB underlined/JJ
34 6 More/JJR nations/NNS should/MD get/VB nuclear/JJ weapons/CD
15 4 Try/VB to/TO defend/VB that/JJ
18 4 He/PRP absolutely/RB said/VBD it/JJ
26 5 Saudi/NNP Arabia/NNP South/NNP Korea/NNP Japan/NNP
26 7 You've/NN got/VBD to/TO be/VB tough/JJ on/IN Russia/NNP
52 12 So/RB let/NNS start/VBP with/IN not/RB praising/VBG Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP as/IN a/DT great/JJ leader/JJ
45 11 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP and/CC Mike/NNP Pence/NNP have/VBP said/VBD he/VBZ a/DT great/JJ leader/JJ
25 5 And/CC Donald/NNP Trump/NNP has/VBZ business
71 13 has/VBZ business/NN dealings/NNS has/VBZ business/NN dealings/NNS with/IN Russia/NNP that/IN he/PRP refuses/VBZ to/TO disclose/VB
41 8 Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP has/VBZ gone/VBN toe-to-/JJ toe/NN with/IN Russia/NNP
99 20 She/PRP went/VBD toe-to-toe/JJ with/IN Russia/NNP as/IN secretary/NN of/IN state/NN to/TO do/VB the/DT New/NNP START/NNP Agreement/NNP to/TO reduce/VB Russia/NNP nuclear/JJ stockpile/JJ
26 6 She/NNP had/VBD the/DT experience/NN doing/VBG it/JJ
67 13 She/PRP went/VBD toe-to-toe/JJ with/IN Russia/NNP and/CC lodged/VBN protests/NNS when/WRB they/PRP went/VBD into/IN Georgia/NNP
126 25 And/CC we've/NN done/VBD the/DT same/JJ thing/NN about/IN Ukraine/NNP but/CC more/JJR than/IN launching/VBG protests/NN we've/NN put/NN punishing/VBG economic/JJ sanctions/NNS on/IN Russia/NNP that/IN we/PRP need/VBP to/TO continue/VB
64 14 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN didn't/VBD know/VB that/IN Russia/NNP had/VBD invaded/VBN the/DT Crimea/NNP
88 23 He/PRP was/VBD on/IN a/DT TV/NN show/NN a/DT couple/NN months/NNS back/VBP and/CC he/PRP said/VBP I'll/VBG guarantee/NN you/PRP this/VBP Russia/NNP not/RB going/VBG into/IN the/DT Ukraine/NNP
62 16 And/CC he/PRP had/VBD to/TO be/VB reminded/VBN that/IN they/PRP had/VBD gone/VBN into/IN the/DT Crimea/NNP two/CD years/NNS before/CD
65 15 Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP has/VBZ gone/VBN toe-to-toe/JJ with/IN Russia/NNP to/TO work/VB out/RP a/DT deal/NN on/IN New/NNP START/NNP
63 14 She/PRP got/VBD them/PRP engaged/VBD on/IN a/DT meaningful/JJ way/NN to/TO cap/VB Iran/NNP nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS program/CD
66 17 And/CC yet/RB she/PRP stood/VBD up/IN to/TO them/PRP on/IN issues/NNS such/JJ as/IN Syria/NNP and/CC their/PRP invasion/NN of/IN Georgia/NNP
47 12 You've/NN got/VBD to/TO have/VB the/DT ability/NN to/TO do/VB that/NN and/CC Hillary/NNP does/JJ
75 17 On/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN in/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP you/PRP have/VBP somebody/NN who/WP praises/VBZ Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP all/PDT the/DT time/JJ
139 31 America/NNP should/MD really/RB wonder/VB about/IN a/DT President/NNP Trump/NNP who/WP had/VBD a/DT campaign/NN manager/NN with/IN ties/NNS to/TO Putin/NNP pro-/NNP Putin/NNP elements/NNS in/IN the/DT Ukraine/NNP who/WP had/VBD to/TO be/VB fired/VBN for/IN that/DT reason/CD
182 43 They/PRP should/MD wonder/VB when/WRB Donald/NNP Trump/NNP is/VBZ sitting/VBG down/RB with/IN Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP is/VBZ it/PRP going/VBG to/TO be/VB America/NNP bottom/NN line/NN or/CC is/VBZ it/PRP going/VBG to/TO be/VB Donald/NNP Trump/NNP bottom/NN line/NN that/IN he/NNS going/VBG to/TO be/VB worried/VBN about/IN with/IN all/DT of/IN his/PRP business/NN dealings/NN
107 26 Now/NNP this/DT could/MD be/VB solved/VBN if/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP would/MD be/VB willing/JJ to/TO release/VB his/PRP tax/NN returns/NN as/IN he/PRP told/VBD the/DT American/JJ public/JJ that/IN he/PRP would/MD do/VB
41 10 And/CC I/PRP know/VBP he/NNS laughing/VBG at/IN this/NN but/CC every/DT president
87 18 Every/DT president/NN since/IN Richard/NNP Nixon/NNP has/VBZ done/VBN it/NN and/CC Donald/NNP Trump/NNP has/VBZ said/VBD I'm/NNP doing/VBG business/NN with/IN Russia/NNP
65 15 The/DT only/JJ way/NN the/DT American/NNP public/NN will/MD see/VB whether/IN he/PRP has/VBZ a/DT conflict/NN of/IN interest
13 3 He/PRP has/VBP actually/JJ
45 10 You/PRP know/VBP I'm/NNP just/RB saying/VBG facts/NNS about/IN your/PRP running/NN mate/JJ
22 6 And/CC I/PRP know/VBP you/PRP can't/MD defend/VB
9 2 You're/JJ not/NN
48 11 I'll/NNP run/VB through/IN the/DT list/NN of/IN things/NNS where/WRB you/PRP won't/VBP defend
32 9 We/PRP even/RB wiped/VBD out/RP the/IN leader/NN of/IN Al/NNP Qaida/NNP
38 7 We/PRP stopped/VBD Iran/NNP from/IN getting/VBG nuclear/JJ weapons/CD
46 10 And/CC we/PRP stopped/VBD a/DT nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS program/VBP without/IN a/DT shot/JJ
16 2 Business/NN dealings/JJ
42 8 Donald/NNP Trump/NNP son/NN says/VBZ that/IN the/DT Trump/NNP organization
48 16 Well/NNP this/DT is/VBZ one/CD where/WRB we/PRP can/MD just/RB kind/NN of/IN go/NN to/TO the/DT tape/NN on/IN it/JJ
76 14 But/CC Governor/NNP Pence/NNP said/NN inarguably/NNP Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP is/VBZ a/DT better/JJR leader/NN than/IN President/NNP Obama/NNP
33 10 And/CC and/CC and/CC I/PRP just/RB think/VBP a/DT guy/NN who/WP praises
14 4 No/NNP he/PRP said/VBD leader/JJ
31 8 And/CC if/IN and/CC I'll/NNP just/RB say/VBP this/NNP Governor/NNP
107 21 If/IN you/PRP mistake/NN leadership/NN for/IN dictatorship/NN and/CC you/PRP can't/MD tell/VB the/DT difference/VBG a/DT country/NN that/NNS running/VBG its/PRP economy/NN into/IN the/DT ground
22 2 persecuting/VBG journalists
59 10 if/IN you/PRP can't/MD tell/VB the/DT difference/NN you/PRP shouldn't/MD be/VB commander-in-chief/JJ
13 2 Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP
24 5 Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP is/VBZ a/DT dictator/JJ
24 5 Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP is/VBZ a/DT dictator/JJ
12 4 He/NNP not/RB a/DT leader/JJ
79 14 Anybody/NN who/WP thinks/VBZ otherwise/JJ doesn't/NN know/NN Russian/NNP history/NN and/CC they/PRP don't/VB know/NN Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP
38 8 Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP knows/VBZ exactly/RB who/WP this/DT guy/NN is/CD
38 12 John/NNP McCain/NNP said/NN I/PRP look/VBP in/IN his/PRP eyes/NNS and/CC I/PRP see/VBP KGB/NNP
34 8 And/CC Hillary/NNP kind/NN of/IN has/VBZ that/DT same/JJ feeling/CD
18 6 So/RB how/WRB do/VBP deal/NN with/IN him/NN
56 16 You've/NN got/VBD to/TO we/PRP do/VBP have/VB to/TO deal/VB with/IN Russia/NNP in/IN a/DT lot/NN of/IN different/JJ ways/CD
32 7 There/EX are/VBP areas/NNS where/WRB we/PRP can/MD cooperate/VB
95 20 So/RB it/PRP was/VBD Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP who/WP worked/VBD with/IN Russia/NNP on/IN the/DT New/NNP START/NNP Treaty/NNP to/TO reduce/VB their/PRP nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS stockpile/JJ
124 27 It/PRP was/VBD Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP that/WDT worked/VBD with/IN Russia/NNP to/TO get/VB them/PRP engaged/VBD in/IN a/DT community/NN of/IN nations/NNS to/TO stop/VB the/DT Iranian/JJ nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS without/IN firing/VBG a/DT shot/JJ
49 11 She/NNP not/RB going/VBG around/IN praising/VBG Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP as/IN a/DT great/JJ guy/CD
53 14 But/CC she/PRP knows/VBZ how/WRB to/TO sit/VB down/RB at/IN a/DT table/NN and/CC negotiate/VB tough/JJ deals/JJ
159 35 This/DT is/VBZ a/DT very/RB challenging/VBG part/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN and/CC we/PRP ought/MD to/TO have/VB a/DT commander-in-chief/NN who/WP is/VBZ prepared/VBN and/CC done/VBN it/NN rather/RB than/IN somebody/NN who/WP goes/VBZ around/IN praising/VBG Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP as/IN a/DT great/JJ leader/JJ
7 2 Until/IN he
62 14 I'm/NNP going/VBG to/TO talk/VB about/IN the/DT foundation/NN and/CC then/RB I'll/NNP talk/VB about/IN North/NNP Korea/NNP
17 4 So/NNS on/IN the/DT foundation/JJ
31 8 I/PRP am/VBP glad/JJ to/TO talk/VB about/IN the/DT foundation/JJ
62 13 The/DT Clinton/NNP Foundation/NNP is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT highest-/RB rated/VBN charities/NNS in/IN the/DT world/JJ
39 8 It/PRP provides/VBZ AIDS/NNP drugs/NNS to/TO about/IN million/CD people/CD
39 7 It/PRP helps/VBZ Americans/NNPS deal/NN with/IN opioid/JJ overdoses/JJ
60 13 It/PRP gets/VBZ higher/JJR rankings/NNS for/IN its/PRP charity/NN than/IN the/DT American/NNP Red/NNP Cross/NNP does/JJ
44 10 The/DT Clinton/NNP foundation/NN does/VBZ an/DT awful/JJ lot/NN of/IN good/JJ work/CD
66 13 Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP as/IN secretary/NN of/IN state/NN took/VBD no/DT action/NN to/TO benefit/VB the/DT foundation/JJ
144 27 The/DT State/NNP Department/NNP did/VBD an/DT investigation/NN and/CC they/PRP concluded/VBD that/DT everything/NN Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP did/VBD as/IN secretary/NN of/IN state/NN was/VBD completely/RB in/IN the/DT interest/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
27 6 So/RB the/DT foundation/NN does/VBZ good/JJ work/CD
71 15 And/CC Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP as/IN secretary/NN of/IN state/NN acted/VBD in/IN the/DT interests/NNS of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
65 13 But/CC let/NNS compare/VBP this/DT now/RB with/IN the/DT Trump/NNP organization/NN and/CC the/DT Trump/NNP Foundation/NNP
154 29 The/DT Trump/NNP organization/NN is/VBZ an/DT octopus-like/JJ organization/NN with/IN tentacles/NNS all/DT over/IN the/DT world/NN whose/WP conflict/NN of/IN interests/NNS could/MD only/RB be/VB known/VBN if/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP would/MD release/VB his/PRP tax/NN returns/JJ
15 5 He/NNP refused/VBD to/TO do/VB it/JJ
67 15 His/PRP sons/NNS have/VBP said/VBD that/IN the/DT organization/NN has/VBZ a/DT lot/NN of/IN business/NN dealings/NNS in/IN Russia/NNP
47 9 And/CC remember/VBG the/DT Trump/NNP organization/NN is/VBZ not/RB a/DT non-profit/JJ
144 30 It/NNP putting/VBG money/NN into/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP pockets/NNS and/CC into/IN the/DT pockets/NNS of/IN his/PRP children/NN whereas/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP Foundation/NNP is/VBZ a/DT non-/JJ profit/NN and/CC no/DT Clinton/NNP family/NN member/NN draws/VBZ any/DT salary/CD
35 7 In/IN addition/NNP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP has/VBZ a/DT foundation/JJ
111 19 The/DT foundation/NN was/VBD just/RB fined/VBN for/IN illegally/RB contributing/VBG foundation/NN dollars/NNS to/TO a/DT political/JJ campaign/NN of/IN a/DT Florida/NNP attorney/NN general/CD
81 18 They/PRP made/VBD an/DT illegal/JJ contribution/NN and/CC then/RB they/PRP tried/VBD to/TO hide/VB it/PRP by/IN disguising/VBG it/PRP to/TO somebody/NN else/CD
89 16 And/CC the/DT person/NN they/PRP donated/VBD to/TO was/VBD somebody/NN whose/WP office/NN was/VBD charged/VBN with/IN investigating/VBG Trump/NNP University/NNP
234 49 This/DT is/VBZ the/DT difference/NN between/IN a/DT foundation/NN that/WDT does/VBZ good/JJ work/NN and/CC a/DT secretary/NN of/IN state/NN who/WP acted/VBD in/IN accordance/NN with/IN American/JJ interest/NN and/CC somebody/NN who/WP is/VBZ conflicted/VBN and/CC doing/VBG work/NN around/IN the/DT world/NN and/CC won't/NN share/NN with/IN the/DT American/JJ public/JJ what/WP he/VBZ doing/VBG and/CC what/WP those/DT conflicts/NNS are/CD
22 2 Political/JJ contributions/NN
22 5 A/DT portrait/NN of/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP
76 16 PENCE/NNP Less/RBR than/IN cents/NNS on/IN the/DT dollar/NN of/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP Foundation/NNP has/VBZ gone/VBN to/TO charitable/JJ causes/CD
13 2 Ninety/CD percent/JJ
78 16 If/IN we/PRP look/VBG a/DT president/NN should/MD take/VB action/NN to/TO defend/VB the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS against/IN imminent/JJ threat/JJ
9 3 You/PRP have/VBP to/JJ
21 6 A/DT president/NN has/VBZ to/TO do/VB that/JJ
128 27 Now/RB exactly/RB what/WP action/NN you/PRP would/MD have/VB to/TO determine/VB what/WP your/PRP intelligence/NN was/NN how/WRB certain/JJ you/PRP were/VBD of/IN that/DT intelligence/NN but/CC you/PRP would/MD have/VB to/TO take/VB action/JJ
50 13 You/PRP asked/VBD the/DT question/NN about/IN how/WRB do/VBP we/PRP deal/VB with/IN a/DT North/NNP Korea/NNP
33 6 I'm/NNS on/IN the/DT Foreign/NNP Relations/NNP Committee/NNP
53 10 We/PRP just/RB did/VBD an/DT extensive/JJ sanctions/NNS package/NN against/IN North/NNP Korea/NNP
75 14 And/CC interestingly/RB enough/NNP Elaine/NNP the/DT U.N/NNP followed/VBD and/CC did/VBD this/DT virtually/RB the/DT same/JJ package/CD
68 16 Often/RB China/NNP will/MD use/VB their/PRP veto/NN in/IN the/DT Security/NNP Council/NNP to/TO veto/VB a/DT package/NN like/IN that/JJ
45 9 They're/NNP starting/VBG to/TO get/VB worried/VBN about/IN North/NNP Korea/NNP too/JJ
120 20 So/RB they/PRP actually/RB supported/VBD the/DT sanctions/NNS package/VBP even/RB though/IN many/NN of/IN the/DT sanctions/NNS are/VBP against/IN Chinese/JJ firms/NN Chinese/JJ financial/JJ institutions/JJ
42 10 So/RB we're/VBP working/VBG together/RB with/IN China/NNP and/CC we/PRP need/VBP to/JJ
119 25 China/NNP another/DT one/CD of/IN those/DT relationships/NNS where/WRB it/NNS competitive/VBP it/NNS also/RB challenging/VBP and/CC in/IN times/NNS like/IN North/NNP Korea/NNP we/PRP have/VBP to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO cooperate/VB
30 5 Hillary/NNP understands/VBZ that/DT very/RB well/CD
110 27 She/PRP went/VBD once/RB famously/RB to/TO China/NNP and/CC stood/VBD up/IN at/IN a/DT human/JJ rights/NNS meeting/NN and/CC looked/VBD them/PRP in/IN the/DT eye/NN and/CC said/NN Women/NNS rights/NNS are/VBP human/JJ rights/JJ
35 10 They/PRP didn't/VBD want/VBP her/PRP to/TO say/NN that/NN but/CC she/PRP did/JJ
70 15 But/CC she/NNS also/RB worked/VBD on/IN a/DT lot/NN of/IN diplomatic/JJ and/CC important/JJ diplomatic/JJ deals/NNS with/IN China/NNP
24 7 And/CC that/NNS what/WP it/VBZ going/VBG to/TO take/VB
97 23 The/DT thing/NN I/PRP would/MD worry/VB a/DT little/JJ bit/NN about/IN is/VBZ that/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP owes/VBZ about/IN million/CD to/TO banks/VB including/VBG the/DT Bank/NNP of/IN China/NNP
63 17 I'm/NNP not/RB sure/JJ he/PRP could/MD stand/VB up/IN so/RB tough/JJ to/TO the/DT people/NNS who/WP have/VBP loaned/VBN him/PRP money/CD
28 8 Yeah/NN that/VBZ an/DT easy/JJ one/CD for/IN me/NNP Elaine/NNP
11 4 It/NNP an/DT easy/JJ one/CD
18 3 I'm/NNP really/RB fortunate/JJ
57 12 I/PRP grew/VBD up/IN in/IN a/DT wonderful/JJ household/NN with/IN great/JJ Irish/JJ Catholic/NNP parents/JJ
30 8 My/PRP mom/NN and/CC dad/NN are/VBP sitting/VBG right/NN here/CD
54 12 I/PRP was/VBD educated/VBN by/IN Jesuits/NNPS at/IN Rockhurst/NNP High/NNP School/NNP in/IN Kansas/NNP City/NNP
21 6 My/PRP 40th/JJ reunion/NN is/VBZ in/IN days/NNS
87 20 And/CC I/PRP worked/VBD with/IN Jesuit/NNP missionaries/NNS in/IN Honduras/NNP now/RB nearly/RB years/NNS ago/VBP and/CC they/PRP were/VBD the/DT heroes/NNS of/IN my/PRP life/CD
90 23 I/PRP try/VBP to/TO practice/VB my/PRP religion/NN in/IN a/DT very/RB devout/JJ way/NN and/CC follow/VB the/DT teachings/NNS of/IN my/PRP church/NN in/IN my/PRP own/JJ personal/JJ life/CD
185 41 But/CC I/PRP don't/VB believe/VBP in/IN this/DT nation/VBG a/DT First/NNP Amendment/NNP nation/NN where/WRB we/PRP don't/VB raise/NN any/DT religion/NN over/IN the/DT other/NN and/CC we/PRP allow/VBP people/NNS to/TO worship/VB as/IN they/PRP please/VBP that/IN the/DT doctrines/NNS of/IN any/DT one/CD religion/NN should/MD be/VB mandated/VBN for/IN everyone/CD
197 50 For/IN me/VBG the/DT hardest/JJS struggle/NN in/IN my/PRP faith/NN life/NN was/VBD the/DT Catholic/NNP Church/NNP is/VBZ against/IN the/DT death/NN penalty/NN and/CC so/RB am/VBP I/NNP But/CC I/PRP was/VBD governor/NN of/IN a/DT state/NN and/CC the/DT state/NN law/NN said/VBD that/IN there/EX was/VBD a/DT death/NN penalty/NN for/IN crimes/NNS if/IN the/DT jury/NN determined/VBD them/PRP to/TO be/VB heinous/CD
26 8 And/CC so/IN I/PRP had/VBD to/TO grapple/VB with/IN that/JJ
88 19 When/WRB I/PRP was/VBD running/VBG for/IN governor/NN I/PRP was/VBD attacked/VBN pretty/RB strongly/RB because/IN of/IN my/PRP position/NN on/IN the/DT death/NN penalty/JJ
64 17 But/CC I/PRP looked/VBD the/DT voters/NNS of/IN Virginia/NNP in/IN the/DT eye/NN and/CC said/NN look/VBG this/DT is/VBZ my/PRP religion/CD
88 24 I'm/NNP not/RB going/VBG to/TO change/VB my/PRP religious/JJ practice/NN to/TO get/VB one/CD vote/NN but/CC I/PRP know/VBP how/WRB to/TO take/VB an/DT oath/NN and/CC uphold/VB the/DT law/NN
32 10 And/CC if/IN you/PRP elect/VBP me/VBG I/PRP will/MD uphold/VB the/DT law/NN
21 7 And/CC I/PRP was/VBD elected/VBG and/CC I/PRP did/JJ
156 37 It/PRP was/VBD very/VBG very/RB difficult/JJ to/TO allow/VB executions/NNS to/TO go/VB forward/NN but/CC in/IN circumstances/NNS where/WRB I/PRP didn't/VBD feel/VB like/IN there/EX was/VBD a/DT case/NN for/IN clemency/NN I/PRP told/VBD Virginia/NNP voters/NNS I/PRP would/MD uphold/VB the/DT law/NN and/CC I/PRP did/JJ
20 5 That/DT was/VBD a/DT real/JJ struggle/JJ
160 36 But/CC I/PRP think/VBP it/PRP is/VBZ really/VBG really/RB important/JJ that/IN those/DT of/IN us/PRP who/WP have/VBP deep/JJ faith/NN lives/NNS don't/VB feel/NN that/IN we/PRP could/MD just/RB substitute/VB our/PRP own/JJ views/NNS for/IN everybody/NN else/RB in/IN society/NN regardless/RB of/IN their/PRP views/CD
10 2 That/NNP shared/JJ
52 9 Elaine/NNP this/DT is/VBZ a/DT fundamental/JJ question/VBG a/DT fundamental/JJ question/JJ
123 24 Hillary/NNP and/CC I/PRP are/VBP both/DT people/NNS out/IN of/IN religious/JJ backgrounds/NN from/IN Methodist/NNP church/NN experience/NN which/WDT was/VBD really/RB formative/JJ for/IN her/PRP as/IN a/DT public/JJ servant/JJ
76 17 But/CC we/PRP really/RB feel/VBP like/IN you/PRP should/MD live/VB fully/RB and/CC with/IN enthusiasm/NN the/DT commands/NNS of/IN your/PRP faith/JJ
64 16 But/CC it/PRP is/VBZ not/RB the/DT role/NN of/IN the/DT public/JJ servant/NN to/TO mandate/VB that/IN for/IN everybody/NN else/CD
31 7 So/RB let/NNS talk/VBP about/IN abortion/NN and/CC choice/CD
16 4 Let/NNP talk/VB about/IN them/JJ
17 5 We/PRP support/VBP Roe/NNP v/CC Wade/NNP
155 28 We/PRP support/VBP the/DT constitutional/JJ right/NN of/IN American/JJ women/NNS to/TO consult/VB their/PRP own/JJ conscience/VBG their/PRP own/JJ supportive/JJ partner/VBG their/PRP own/JJ minister/NN but/CC then/RB make/VB their/PRP own/JJ decision/NN about/IN pregnancy/CD
41 9 That/JJ something/NN we/PRP trust/VBP American/JJ women/NNS to/TO do/VB that/JJ
103 23 And/CC we/PRP don't/VB think/VBP that/IN women/NNS should/MD be/VB punished/VBN as/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP said/VBD they/PRP should/VBP for/IN making/VBG the/DT decision/NN to/TO have/VB an/DT abortion/JJ
34 8 Governor/NNP Pence/NNP wants/VBZ to/TO repeal/VB Roe/NNP v/CC Wade/NNP
41 13 He/PRP said/VBD he/PRP wants/VBZ to/TO put/VB it/PRP on/IN the/DT ash/NN heap/NN of/IN history/JJ
72 17 And/CC we/PRP have/VBP some/DT young/JJ people/NNS in/IN the/DT audience/NN who/WP weren't/VBP even/RB born/VBN when/WRB Roe/NNP was/VBD decided/JJ
21 4 This/DT is/VBZ pretty/RB important/JJ
106 25 Before/IN Roe/NNP v/CC Wade/NNP states/NNS could/MD pass/VB criminal/JJ laws/NNS to/TO do/VB just/RB that/VBG to/TO punish/VB women/NNS if/IN they/PRP made/VBD the/DT choice/NN to/TO terminate/VB a/DT pregnancy/CD
34 8 I/PRP think/VBP you/PRP should/MD live/VB your/PRP moral/JJ values/CD
109 23 But/CC the/DT last/JJ thing/VBG the/DT very/RB last/JJ thing/NN that/DT government/NN should/MD do/VB is/VBZ have/VBN laws/NNS that/WDT would/MD punish/VB women/NNS who/WP make/VBP reproductive/JJ choices/CD
120 24 And/CC that/DT is/VBZ the/DT fundamental/JJ difference/NN between/IN a/DT Clinton-Kaine/NNP ticket/NN and/CC a/DT Trump-/NNP Pence/NNP ticket/NN that/WDT wants/VBZ to/TO punish/VB women/NNS who/WP make/VBP that/DT choice/CD
28 7 Then/RB why/WRB did/VBD Donald/NNP Trump/NNP say/VBP that/VBG
15 5 Why/WRB did/VBD he/PRP say/VBP that/VBG
31 8 Well/NNP I/PRP would/MD admit/VB that/NNS not/RB a/DT polished
11 4 Well/NNP can/MD I/PRP say
47 11 Great/JJ line/NN from/IN the/DT great/JJ line/NN from/IN the/DT gospel/NN of/IN Matthew/NNP
39 9 From/IN the/DT fullness/NN of/IN the/DT heart/VBG the/DT mouth/NN speaks/CD
43 14 or/CC John/NNP McCain/NNP is/VBZ not/RB a/DT hero/NN he/PRP is/VBZ showing/VBG you/PRP who/WP he/PRP is/CD
14 4 Can/MD you/PRP defend/VB it/NN
56 15 You/PRP want/VBP to/TO you/PRP want/VBP to/TO use/VB a/DT big/JJ broad/JJ brush/NN against/IN Mexicans/NNPS on/IN that/NN
15 3 This/DT is/VBZ important/JJ
11 2 But/NNP Governor
58 12 Governor/NNP why/WRB don't/VB you/PRP trust/VB women/NNS to/TO make/VB this/DT choice/NN for/IN themselves/NN
33 7 We/PRP can/MD encourage/VB people/NNS to/TO support/VB life/CD
13 4 Of/IN course/NN we/PRP can/CD
24 6 But/CC why/WRB don't/VB you/PRP trust/VB women/NN
60 12 Why/WRB doesn't/NNP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP trust/NN women/NNS to/TO make/VB this/DT choice/NN for/IN themselves/NN
36 10 That/NNP what/WP we/PRP ought/MD to/TO be/VB doing/VBG in/IN public/JJ life/CD
131 24 Living/NNP our/PRP lives/NNS of/IN faith/NN or/CC motivation/NN with/IN enthusiasm/NN and/CC excitement/NN convincing/JJ other/NN dialoguing/VBG with/IN each/DT other/NN about/IN important/JJ moral/JJ issues/NNS of/IN the/DT day
69 14 but/CC on/IN fundamental/JJ issues/NNS of/IN morality/NN we/PRP should/MD let/VB women/NNS make/VB their/PRP own/JJ decisions/JJ
23 5 That/NNP a/DT really/RB important/JJ one/CD
53 12 That/DT may/MD be/VB the/DT question/NN because/IN it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT divisive/JJ campaign/CD
208 47 And/CC again/NNP Hillary/NNP is/VBZ running/VBG a/DT campaign/NN about/IN stronger/JJR together/NN and/CC Donald/NNP Trump/NNP and/CC this/DT is/VBZ this/DT is/VBZ not/RB directed/VBN at/IN this/DT man/NN except/IN to/TO the/DT extent/NN that/IN he/PRP can't/MD defend/VB Donald/NNP Trump/NNP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP has/VBZ run/VBN a/DT campaign/NN that/NNS been/VBN about/IN one/CD insult/NN after/IN the/DT next/JJ
36 9 But/CC we/PRP do/VBP have/VB to/TO bring/VB the/DT country/NN together/JJ
17 5 So/RB here/VBZ what/WP we'll/NN do/JJ
69 14 Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP was/VBD first/JJ lady/NN then/JJ senator/NN for/IN eight/CD years/NNS and/CC secretary/NN of/IN state/JJ
21 6 And/CC I/PRP served/VBD in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP
92 19 And/CC I'm/NNP really/RB amazed/NNP Elaine/NNP as/IN I/PRP talk/VBP to/TO Republican/NNP senators/NN how/WRB well/RB they/PRP regard/VBP and/CC respect/NN Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP
33 7 She/PRP was/VBD on/IN the/DT Armed/NNP Services/NNP Committee/NNP
23 5 She/PRP was/VBD on/IN other/JJ committees/JJ
144 30 She/PRP worked/VBD across/IN the/DT aisle/NN when/WRB she/PRP was/VBD first/JJ lady/NN to/TO get/VB the/DT CHIP/NNP program/NN passed/VBN so/RB that/IN million/CD low-income/JJ kids/NNS have/VBP health/NN insurance/NN in/IN this/DT country/NN including/VBG in/IN Indiana/NNP
113 24 She/PRP worked/VBD across/IN the/DT aisle/NN after/IN to/TO get/VB health/NN benefits/NNS for/IN the/DT first/JJ responders/NNS who/WP bravely/RB went/VBD into/IN the/DT towers/NNS and/CC into/IN the/DT Pentagon/NNP
111 20 She/PRP worked/VBD to/TO get/VB benefits/NNS for/IN TRICARE/NNP benefits/NNS for/IN National/NNP Guard/NNP members/NN including/VBG Hoosiers/NNP and/CC Virginians/NNPS in/IN the/DT National/NNP Guard/NNP
59 14 She/PRP has/VBZ a/DT track/NN record/NN of/IN working/VBG across/IN the/DT aisle/NN to/TO make/VB things/NNS happen/CD
39 10 And/NNP you/PRP know/VBP Elaine/NNP I/PRP have/VBP the/DT same/JJ track/NN record/JJ
46 10 I/PRP was/VBD a/DT governor/NN of/IN Virginia/NNP with/IN two/CD Republican/NNP houses/CD
57 12 And/CC in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP I/PRP have/VBP good/JJ working/NN relationships/NNS across/IN the/DT aisle/CD
97 22 Because/IN I/PRP think/VBP it/NNS fine/JJ to/TO be/VB a/DT Democrat/NNP or/CC Republican/NNP or/CC independent/NN but/CC after/IN Election/NNP Day/NNP the/DT goal/NN is/VBZ work/NN together/JJ
128 29 And/CC Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP has/VBZ a/DT track/NN record/NN of/IN accomplishment/NN across/IN the/DT aisle/NN that/WDT will/MD enable/VB her/PRP to/TO do/NN just/RB that/IN when/WRB we/PRP work/VBP with/IN the/DT new/JJ Congress/NNP in/IN January/NNP
10 1 Absolutely/NNP