# To understand this file, see https://mk.bcgsc.ca/debates2016/?methods
# clinton-trump-01/parsed/sentence.trump.tag.all.len.txt
14 3 Thank/VB you/NNP Lester/NNP
27 6 Our/PRP jobs/NNS are/VBP fleeing/VBG the/DT country/JJ
20 4 They're/NNP going/VBG to/TO Mexico/NNP
32 6 They're/NNP going/VBG to/TO many/VB other/JJ countries/JJ
62 16 You/PRP look/VBP at/IN what/WP China/NNP is/VBZ doing/VBG to/TO our/PRP country/NN in/IN terms/NNS of/IN making/VBG our/PRP product/JJ
69 13 They're/NNP devaluing/VBG their/PRP currency/NN and/CC there/NNS nobody/NN in/IN our/PRP government/NN to/TO fight/VB them/JJ
23 7 And/CC we/PRP have/VBP a/DT very/RB good/JJ fight/JJ
22 6 And/CC we/PRP have/VBP a/DT winning/VBG fight/JJ
96 21 Because/IN they're/NN using/VBG our/PRP country/NN as/IN a/DT piggy/NN bank/NN to/TO rebuild/VB China/NNP and/CC many/JJ other/JJ countries/NNS are/VBP doing/VBG the/DT same/JJ thing/JJ
36 10 So/RB we're/VBP losing/VBG our/PRP good/JJ jobs/NN so/RB many/NN of/IN them/JJ
93 23 When/WRB you/PRP look/VBP at/IN what/NNS happening/VBG in/IN Mexico/NNP a/DT friend/NN of/IN mine/NN who/WP builds/VBZ plants/NNS said/VBD it/VBZ the/DT eighth/JJ wonder/NN of/IN the/DT world/JJ
100 21 They're/NNP building/VBG some/DT of/IN the/DT biggest/JJS plants/NNS anywhere/RB in/IN the/DT world/VBG some/DT of/IN the/DT most/RBS sophisticated/VBG some/DT of/IN the/DT best/JJS plants/JJ
36 10 With/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP as/IN he/PRP said/VBP not/RB so/RB much/CD
15 4 So/RB Ford/NNP is/VBZ leaving/CD
38 8 You/PRP see/VBP that/VBG their/PRP small/JJ car/NN division/NN leaving/CD
41 7 Thousands/NNS of/IN jobs/NNS leaving/VBG Michigan/NNP leaving/VBG Ohio/NNP
17 3 They're/NNP all/DT leaving/CD
32 8 And/CC we/PRP can't/MD allow/VB it/PRP to/TO happen/VB anymore/CD
75 20 As/RB far/RB as/IN child/NN care/NN is/VBZ concerned/VBN and/CC so/RB many/JJ other/JJ things/NN I/PRP think/VBP Hillary/NNP and/CC I/PRP agree/VBP on/IN that/JJ
108 25 We/PRP probably/RB disagree/VBP a/DT little/JJ bit/NN as/IN to/TO numbers/NNS and/CC amounts/NNS and/CC what/WP we're/NN going/VBG to/TO do/VB but/CC perhaps/RB we'll/VBP be/VB talking/VBG about/IN that/DT later/JJ
43 12 But/CC we/PRP have/VBP to/TO stop/VB our/PRP jobs/NNS from/IN being/VBG stolen/VBN from/IN us/CD
81 19 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO stop/VB our/PRP companies/NNS from/IN leaving/VBG the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS and/NN with/IN it/NN firing/VBG all/DT of/IN their/PRP people/CD
63 15 All/DT you/PRP have/VBP to/TO do/VB is/VBZ take/VB a/DT look/NN at/IN Carrier/NNP air/NN conditioning/NN in/IN Indianapolis/NNP
19 4 They/PRP left/VBD fired/VBN people/CD
20 4 They're/NNP going/VBG to/TO Mexico/NNP
48 10 So/RB many/JJ hundreds/NNS and/CC hundreds/NNS of/IN companies/NNS are/VBP doing/VBG this/JJ
19 5 We/PRP cannot/MD let/VB it/PRP happen/CD
95 18 Under/IN my/PRP plan/NNP I'll/NNP be/VB reducing/VBG taxes/NNS tremendously/VBP from/IN percent/NN to/TO percent/NN for/IN companies/NN small/JJ and/CC big/JJ businesses/CD
58 14 That/NNP going/VBG to/TO be/VB a/DT job/NN creator/NN like/IN we/PRP haven't/VBP seen/VBN since/IN Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP
33 9 It/NNP going/VBG to/TO be/VB a/DT beautiful/JJ thing/NN to/TO watch/VB
17 3 Companies/NNS will/MD come/CD
13 3 They/PRP will/MD build/VB
14 3 They/PRP will/MD expand/VB
21 4 New/JJ companies/NNS will/MD start/VB
36 10 And/CC I/PRP look/VBP very/VBG very/RB much/RB forward/RB to/TO doing/VBG it/JJ
95 21 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO renegotiate/VB our/PRP trade/NN deals/NN and/CC we/PRP have/VBP to/TO stop/VB these/DT countries/NNS from/IN stealing/VBG our/PRP companies/NNS and/CC our/PRP jobs/CD
223 57 Well/NNS for/IN one/CD thing/NN and/CC before/IN we/PRP start/VBP on/IN that/DT my/PRP father/NN gave/VBD me/PRP a/DT very/RB small/JJ loan/NN in/IN and/CC I/PRP built/VBD it/PRP into/IN a/DT company/NN that/NNS worth/JJ many/VBG many/JJ billions/NNS of/IN dollars/NN with/IN some/DT of/IN the/DT greatest/JJS assets/NNS in/IN the/DT world/NN and/CC I/PRP say/VBP that/IN only/RB because/IN that/VBZ the/DT kind/NN of/IN thinking/VBG that/IN our/PRP country/NN needs/JJ
23 5 Our/PRP country/NNS in/IN deep/JJ trouble/JJ
102 22 We/PRP don't/VB know/NN what/WP we're/NN doing/VBG when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO devaluations/NNS and/CC all/DT of/IN these/DT countries/NNS all/DT over/IN the/DT world/NN especially/RB China/NNP
29 8 They're/NNP the/DT best/VBG the/DT best/JJS ever/RB at/IN it/JJ
39 11 What/WP they're/NN doing/VBG to/TO us/PRP is/VBZ a/DT very/NN very/RB sad/JJ thing/JJ
16 6 So/RB we/PRP have/VBP to/TO do/VB that/JJ
32 7 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO renegotiate/VB our/PRP trade/NN deals/JJ
90 17 And/NNP Lester/NNP they're/NN taking/VBG our/PRP jobs/NN they're/NN giving/VBG incentives/NN they're/NN doing/VBG things/NNS that/VBP frankly/VBG we/PRP don't/VB do/JJ
30 8 Let/VB me/PRP give/VB you/PRP the/DT example/NN of/IN Mexico/NNP
15 5 They/PRP have/VBP a/DT VAT/NNP tax/JJ
23 5 We're/NNS on/IN a/DT different/JJ system/JJ
29 8 When/WRB we/PRP sell/VBP into/IN Mexico/NNP there/VBZ a/DT tax/JJ
43 7 When/WRB they/PRP sell/VBP in/IN automatic/NN percent/NN approximately/JJ
28 8 When/WRB they/PRP sell/VBP into/IN us/NN there/VBZ no/DT tax/JJ
21 4 It/NNP a/DT defective/JJ agreement/JJ
79 17 It/NNP been/VBN defective/JJ for/IN a/DT long/JJ time/NN many/JJ years/NN but/CC the/DT politicians/NNS haven't/VBP done/VBN anything/NN about/IN it/JJ
45 11 Now/NNS in/IN all/DT fairness/NN to/TO Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP yes/NN is/VBZ that/DT OK/NNP
4 1 Good/NNP
21 7 I/PRP want/VBP you/PRP to/TO be/VB very/RB happy/CD
19 5 It/NNP very/RB important/JJ to/TO me/CD
87 18 But/CC in/IN all/DT fairness/NN to/TO Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP when/WRB she/PRP started/VBD talking/VBG about/IN this/NN it/PRP was/VBD really/RB very/RB recently/JJ
24 6 She/NNP been/VBN doing/VBG this/DT for/IN years/CD
38 8 And/CC why/WRB hasn't/NN she/PRP made/VBD the/DT agreements/NNS better/VBP
28 5 The/DT NAFTA/NNP agreement/NN is/VBZ defective/JJ
61 15 Just/RB because/IN of/IN the/DT tax/NN and/CC many/JJ other/JJ reasons/NN but/CC just/RB because/IN of/IN the/DT fact
119 24 Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP and/CC others/NN politicians/NN should/MD have/VB been/VBN doing/VBG this/DT for/JJ years/NN not/RB right/JJ now/NN because/IN of/IN the/DT fact/NN that/DT we've/NN created/VBD a/DT movement/JJ
35 8 They/PRP should/MD have/VB been/VBN doing/VBG this/DT for/IN years/CD
75 17 What/NNP happened/VBD to/TO our/PRP jobs/NNS and/CC our/PRP country/NN and/CC our/PRP economy/NN generally/RB is/VBZ look/NN we/PRP owe/VBP trillion/JJ
27 7 We/PRP cannot/MD do/VB it/PRP any/DT longer/NNP Lester/NNP
44 12 Well/NNP the/DT first/JJ thing/NN you/PRP do/VBP is/VBZ don't/VB let/NN the/DT jobs/NNS leave/CD
22 4 The/DT companies/NNS are/VBP leaving/CD
38 10 I/PRP could/MD name/VB I/PRP mean/VB there/EX are/VBP thousands/NNS of/IN them/JJ
54 10 They're/JJ leaving/NN and/CC they're/NN leaving/VBG in/IN bigger/JJR numbers/NNS than/IN ever/CD
69 20 And/CC what/WP you/PRP do/VBP is/VBZ you/PRP say/VBP fine/VBG you/PRP want/VBP to/TO go/VB to/TO Mexico/NNP or/CC some/DT other/JJ country/NN good/JJ luck/CD
19 7 We/PRP wish/VBP you/PRP a/DT lot/NN of/IN luck/CD
137 32 But/CC if/IN you/PRP think/VBP you're/VBG going/VBG to/TO make/VB your/PRP air/NN conditioners/NNS or/CC your/PRP cars/NNS or/CC your/PRP cookies/NNS or/CC whatever/WDT you/PRP make/VBP and/CC bring/VB them/PRP into/IN our/PRP country/NN without/IN a/DT tax/NN you're/NN wrong/CD
190 41 And/CC once/RB you/PRP say/VBP you're/VBG going/VBG to/TO have/VB to/TO tax/VB them/PRP coming/VBG in/NN and/CC our/PRP politicians/NNS never/RB do/VBP this/VBG because/IN they/PRP have/VBP special/JJ interests/NNS and/CC the/DT special/JJ interests/NNS want/VBP those/DT companies/NNS to/TO leave/VB because/IN in/IN many/JJ cases/NN they/PRP own/VB the/DT companies/CD
41 11 So/RB what/WP I'm/NNP saying/VBG is/NN we/PRP can/MD stop/VB them/PRP from/IN leaving/CD
27 7 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO stop/VB them/PRP from/IN leaving/CD
20 6 And/CC that/VBZ a/DT big/NN big/JJ factor/JJ
26 6 That/NNP called/VBD business/NN by/IN the/DT way/CD
7 3 I/PRP did/VBD not/NN
7 3 I/PRP did/VBD not/NN
13 5 I/PRP do/VBP not/RB say/VB that/JJ
13 5 I/PRP do/VBP not/RB say/VB that/JJ
24 5 She/PRP talks/VBZ about/IN solar/JJ panels/CD
35 8 We/PRP invested/VBD in/IN a/DT solar/JJ company/VBG our/PRP country/JJ
16 4 That/DT was/VBD a/DT disaster/JJ
30 8 They/PRP lost/VBD plenty/NN of/IN money/NN on/IN that/DT one/CD
78 21 Now/JJ look/NNP I'm/NNP a/DT great/JJ believer/NN in/IN all/DT forms/NNS of/IN energy/NN but/CC we're/NN putting/VBG a/DT lot/NN of/IN people/NNS out/IN of/IN work/CD
29 6 Our/PRP energy/NN policies/NNS are/VBP a/DT disaster/JJ
64 17 Our/PRP country/NN is/VBZ losing/VBG so/RB much/JJ in/IN terms/NNS of/IN energy/NN in/IN terms/NNS of/IN paying/VBG off/IN our/PRP debt/JJ
49 12 You/PRP can't/MD do/VB what/WP you're/NN looking/VBG to/TO do/VB with/IN trillion/CD in/IN debt/JJ
81 19 The/DT Obama/NNP administration/NN from/IN the/DT time/NN they've/NN come/VB in/NN is/VBZ over/IN years/NN worth/NN of/IN debt/NN and/CC he/NNS topped/VBD it/JJ
73 16 He/NNP doubled/VBD it/PRP in/IN a/DT course/NN of/IN almost/RB eight/CD years/NN seven-and-a-half/JJ years/NN to/TO be/VB semi-/JJ exact/JJ
18 6 So/RB I/PRP will/MD tell/VB you/PRP this/JJ
40 12 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO do/VB a/DT much/RB better/JJR job/NN at/IN keeping/VBG our/PRP jobs/CD
107 25 And/CC we/PRP have/VBP to/TO do/VB a/DT much/RB better/JJR job/NN at/IN giving/VBG companies/NNS incentives/NNS to/TO build/VB new/JJ companies/NNS or/CC to/TO expand/VB because/IN they're/NN not/RB doing/VBG it/JJ
135 35 And/CC all/DT you/PRP have/VBP to/TO do/VB is/VBZ look/VB at/IN Michigan/NNP and/CC look/VB at/IN Ohio/NNP and/CC look/VB at/IN all/DT of/IN these/DT places/NNS where/WRB so/RB many/NN of/IN their/PRP jobs/NNS and/CC their/PRP companies/NNS are/VBP just/RB leaving/VBG they're/NN gone/CD
27 7 And/NNP Hillary/NNP I'd/NNP just/RB ask/VB you/PRP this/JJ
27 6 You've/NN been/VBN doing/VBG this/DT for/IN years/CD
48 10 Why/WRB are/VBP you/PRP just/RB thinking/VBG about/IN these/DT solutions/NNS right/JJ now/NN
67 15 For/IN years/NN you've/NN been/VBN doing/VBG it/NN and/CC now/JJ you're/NN just/RB starting/VBG to/TO think/VB of/IN solutions/JJ
18 5 I/PRP will/MD bring/VB excuse/NN me/CD
18 5 I/PRP will/MD bring/VB back/RB jobs/CD
21 5 You/PRP can't/MD bring/VB back/RB jobs/CD
12 3 Yeah/NNS for/IN years/CD
19 4 Well/NNP he/PRP approved/VBD NAFTA
70 15 He/PRP approved/VBD NAFTA/NNP which/WDT is/VBZ the/DT single/JJ worst/JJS trade/NN deal/NN ever/RB approved/VBD in/IN this/DT country/JJ
53 15 But/CC you/PRP haven't/VBP done/VBN it/PRP in/IN years/NNS or/CC years/NNS or/CC any/DT number/NN you/PRP want/VBP to
16 4 You/PRP haven't/VBP done/VBN it/JJ
16 4 You/PRP haven't/VBP done/VBN it/JJ
8 2 Excuse/VB me/CD
91 18 Your/PRP husband/NN signed/VBD NAFTA/NNP which/WDT was/VBD one/CD of/IN the/DT worst/JJS things/NNS that/IN ever/RB happened/VBD to/TO the/DT manufacturing/NN industry/JJ
138 28 You/PRP go/VBP to/TO New/NNP England/NNP you/PRP go/VBP to/TO Ohio/NNP Pennsylvania/NNP you/PRP go/VBP anywhere/RB you/PRP want/VBP Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP and/CC you/PRP will/MD see/VB devastation/NN where/WRB manufacture/VB is/VBZ down/RB sometimes/RB percent/JJ
82 17 NAFTA/NNP is/VBZ the/DT worst/JJS trade/NN deal/NN maybe/RB ever/RB signed/VBD anywhere/NN but/CC certainly/RB ever/RB signed/VBD in/IN this/DT country/JJ
46 8 And/CC now/RB you/PRP want/VBP to/TO approve/VB Trans-Pacific/NNP Partnership/NNP
25 7 You/PRP were/VBD totally/RB in/IN favor/NN of/IN it/JJ
65 19 Then/RB you/PRP heard/VBD what/WP I/PRP was/VBD saying/VBG how/WRB bad/JJ it/PRP is/VBP and/CC you/PRP said/VBP I/PRP can't/MD win/VB that/DT debate/JJ
75 21 But/CC you/PRP know/VBP that/IN if/IN you/PRP did/VBD win/NN you/PRP would/MD approve/VB that/NN and/CC that/DT will/MD be/VB almost/RB as/RB bad/JJ as/IN NAFTA/NNP
23 5 Nothing/NN will/MD ever/RB top/JJ NAFTA/NNP
26 6 You/PRP called/VBD it/PRP the/DT gold/NN standard/JJ
38 9 You/PRP called/VBD it/PRP the/DT gold/NN standard/NN of/IN trade/NN deals/JJ
36 9 You/PRP said/VBD it/VBZ the/DT finest/JJS deal/NN you've/NN ever/RB seen/CD
62 18 And/CC then/RB you/PRP heard/VBD what/WP I/PRP said/VBD about/IN it/NN and/CC all/DT of/IN a/DT sudden/JJ you/PRP were/VBD against/IN it/JJ
3 1 Not/NNP
25 6 So/RB is/VBZ it/PRP President/NNP Obama/NNP fault/NN
23 5 Is/VBZ it/PRP President/NNP Obama/NNP fault/NN
32 6 Secretary/NNP is/VBZ it/PRP President/NNP Obama/NNP fault/NN
18 4 Because/IN he/NNS pushing/VBG it/JJ
16 5 But/CC you/PRP have/VBP no/DT plan/CD
22 5 Secretary/NNP you/PRP have/VBP no/DT plan/CD
18 4 That/NNS about/IN all/DT you've
51 13 You/PRP are/VBP going/VBG to/TO approve/VB one/CD of/IN the/DT biggest/JJS tax/NN cuts/NNS in/IN history/JJ
56 13 You/PRP are/VBP going/VBG to/TO approve/VB one/CD of/IN the/DT biggest/JJS tax/NN increases/NNS in/IN history/JJ
29 7 You/PRP are/VBP going/VBG to/TO drive/VB business/NN out/JJ
77 15 Your/PRP regulations/NNS are/VBP a/DT disaster/NN and/CC you're/NN going/VBG to/TO increase/VB regulations/NNS all/DT over/IN the/DT place/CD
48 13 And/CC by/IN the/DT way/VBG my/PRP tax/NN cut/NN is/VBZ the/DT biggest/JJS since/IN Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP
16 5 I'm/NNP very/RB proud/JJ of/IN it/JJ
38 8 It/PRP will/MD create/VB tremendous/JJ numbers/NNS of/IN new/JJ jobs/CD
64 12 But/CC regulations/NN you/PRP are/VBP going/VBG to/TO regulate/VB these/DT businesses/NNS out/IN of/IN existence/JJ
46 13 When/WRB I/PRP go/VBP around/IN Lester/NNP I/PRP tell/VBP you/PRP this/VBP I've/NNP been/VBN all/DT over/CD
115 28 And/CC when/WRB I/PRP go/VBP around/VBG despite/IN the/DT tax/NN cut/VBG the/DT thing/NN the/DT things/NNS that/WDT business/NN as/IN in/IN people/NNS like/IN the/DT most/RBS is/VBZ the/DT fact/NN that/IN I'm/NNP cutting/VBG regulation/JJ
97 20 You/PRP have/VBP regulations/NNS on/IN top/NN of/IN regulations/NN and/CC new/JJ companies/NNS cannot/MD form/VB and/CC old/JJ companies/NNS are/VBP going/VBG out/IN of/IN business/CD
54 12 And/CC you/PRP want/VBP to/TO increase/VB the/DT regulations/NNS and/CC make/VB them/PRP even/RB worse/CD
24 5 I'm/NNP going/VBG to/TO cut/VB regulations/JJ
72 18 I'm/NNP going/VBG to/TO cut/VB taxes/NNS big/JJ league/NN and/CC you're/NN going/VBG to/TO raise/VB taxes/NNS big/JJ league/NN end/NN of/IN story/JJ
5 1 Facts/NNP
34 10 And/CC take/VB a/DT look/NN at/IN mine/NN also/NN and/CC you'll/NN see/CD
27 8 Well/NNP could/MD I/PRP just/RB finish/VB I/PRP think/VBP I
57 17 I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP should/MD you/PRP go/VB to/TO her/PRP website/NN and/CC you/PRP take/VBP a/DT look/NN at/IN her/PRP website/JJ
28 6 She/NNP going/VBG to/TO raise/VB taxes/NNS trillion/JJ
19 5 And/CC look/VB at/IN her/PRP website/JJ
11 3 You/PRP know/VBP what/VBG
22 5 It/NNP no/DT difference/NN than/IN this/JJ
26 7 She/NNP telling/VBG us/PRP how/WRB to/TO fight/VB ISIS/NNP
18 5 Just/RB go/VB to/TO her/PRP website/JJ
37 10 She/PRP tells/VBZ you/PRP how/WRB to/TO fight/VB ISIS/NNP on/IN her/PRP website/JJ
54 11 I/PRP don't/VB think/VBP General/NNP Douglas/NNP MacArthur/NNP would/MD like/IN that/DT too/RB much/CD
46 11 No/JJ no/NN you're/NN telling/VBG the/DT enemy/NN everything/NN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO do/VB
45 10 See/JJ you're/NN telling/VBG the/DT enemy/NN everything/NN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO do/VB
75 15 No/DT wonder/NN you've/NN been/VBN fighting/VBG no/DT wonder/NN you've/NN been/VBN fighting/VBG ISIS/NNP your/PRP entire/JJ adult/NN life/CD
77 15 Well/NNP I'm/NNP really/RB calling/VBG for/IN major/JJ jobs/NN because/IN the/DT wealthy/JJ are/VBP going/VBG create/VB tremendous/JJ jobs/CD
34 6 They're/NNP going/VBG to/TO expand/VB their/PRP companies/CD
30 7 They're/NNP going/VBG to/TO do/VB a/DT tremendous/JJ job/CD
42 8 I'm/NNP getting/VBG rid/JJ of/IN the/DT carried/VBN interest/NN provision/CD
62 18 And/CC if/IN you/PRP really/RB look/VBP it/NNS not/RB a/DT tax/NN it/NNS really/RB not/RB a/DT great/JJ thing/NN for/IN the/DT wealthy/JJ
30 8 It/NNP a/DT great/JJ thing/NN for/IN the/DT middle/NN class/CD
33 8 It/NNP a/DT great/JJ thing/NN for/IN companies/NNS to/TO expand/VB
289 61 And/CC when/WRB these/DT people/NNS are/VBP going/VBG to/TO put/VB billions/NNS and/CC billions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS into/IN companies/NN and/CC when/WRB they're/NN going/VBG to/TO bring/VB trillion/CD back/RB from/IN overseas/NN where/WRB they/PRP can't/MD bring/VB the/DT money/NN back/NN because/IN politicians/NNS like/IN Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP won't/NN allow/VB them/PRP to/TO bring/VB the/DT money/NN back/NN because/IN the/DT taxes/NNS are/VBP so/RB onerous/VBP and/CC the/DT bureaucratic/JJ red/JJ tape/NN so/RB what/WP is/VBZ so/RB bad/JJ
151 34 So/RB what/WP they're/NN doing/VBG is/VBZ they're/VBG leaving/VBG our/PRP country/NN and/CC they're/NN believe/VBP it/PRP or/CC not/NN leaving/VBG because/IN taxes/NNS are/VBP too/RB high/JJ and/CC because/IN some/DT of/IN them/PRP have/VBP lots/NNS of/IN money/NN outside/IN of/IN our/PRP country/JJ
119 28 And/CC instead/RB of/IN bringing/VBG it/PRP back/RB and/CC putting/VBG the/DT money/NN to/TO work/VB because/IN they/PRP can't/MD work/VB out/RP a/DT deal/NN to/TO and/CC everybody/NN agrees/VBZ it/PRP should/MD be/VB brought/VBN back/CD
156 31 Instead/RB of/IN that/NN they're/NN leaving/VBG our/PRP country/NN to/TO get/VB their/PRP money/NN because/IN they/PRP can't/MD bring/VB their/PRP money/NN back/RB into/IN our/PRP country/NN because/IN of/IN bureaucratic/JJ red/JJ tape/NN because/IN they/PRP can't/MD get/VB together/JJ
85 20 Because/IN we/PRP have/VBP we/PRP have/VBP a/DT president/NN that/WDT can't/MD sit/VB them/PRP around/IN a/DT table/NN and/CC get/VB them/PRP to/TO approve/VB something/JJ
15 4 And/CC here/VBZ the/DT thing/JJ
56 10 Republicans/NNS and/CC Democrats/NNPS agree/VBP that/IN this/DT should/MD be/VB done/VBN trillion/JJ
26 7 I/PRP happen/VBP to/TO think/VB it/NNS double/JJ that/JJ
54 11 It/NNP probably/RB trillion/CD that/IN we/PRP can't/MD bring/VB into/IN our/PRP country/NNP Lester/NNP
128 33 And/CC with/IN a/DT little/JJ leadership/NN you'd/NN get/VB it/PRP in/IN here/RB very/JJ quickly/NN and/CC it/PRP could/MD be/VB put/VBN to/TO use/VB on/IN the/DT inner/JJ cities/NNS and/CC lots/NNS of/IN other/JJ things/NN and/CC it/PRP would/MD be/VB beautiful/JJ
21 5 But/CC we/PRP have/VBP no/DT leadership/JJ
41 7 And/CC honestly/NN that/WDT starts/VBZ with/IN Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP
6 2 Why/WRB not/NN
79 15 There/NNS nothing/NN crazy/JJ about/IN not/RB letting/VBG our/PRP companies/NNS bring/VBP their/PRP money/NN back/RB into/IN their/PRP country/JJ
3 1 Yes/NNP
19 5 Then/RB you/PRP didn't/VBD read/VBN it/JJ
17 5 Who/WP gave/VBD it/PRP that/DT name/NN
29 8 The/DT first/JJ I've/NNP who/WP gave/VBD it/PRP that/DT name/NN
7 2 How/WRB much/NN
18 5 How/WRB much/JJ for/IN my/PRP family/NN
11 3 CLINTON/NNP it/PRP is
13 3 Lester/NNP how/WRB much/NN
17 2 Typical/JJ politician/JJ
15 4 All/DT talk/VBG no/DT action/JJ
21 4 Sounds/VBZ good/NN doesn't/NN work/CD
18 4 Never/RB going/VBG to/TO happen/CD
117 26 Our/PRP country/NN is/VBZ suffering/VBG because/IN people/NNS like/IN Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP have/VBP made/VBN such/JJ bad/JJ decisions/NNS in/IN terms/NNS of/IN our/PRP jobs/NNS and/CC in/IN terms/NNS of/IN what/NNS going/VBG on/CD
62 14 Now/JJ look/NN we/PRP have/VBP the/DT worst/JJS revival/NN of/IN an/DT economy/NN since/IN the/DT Great/NNP Depression/NNP
34 9 And/CC believe/VBP me/NNP We're/NNP in/IN a/DT bubble/NN right/NN now/CD
111 27 And/CC the/DT only/JJ thing/NN that/WDT looks/VBZ good/NN is/VBZ the/DT stock/NN market/NN but/CC if/IN you/PRP raise/VBP interest/NN rates/NNS even/RB a/DT little/JJ bit/NN that/NNS going/VBG to/TO come/VB crashing/VBG down/RP
24 8 We/PRP are/VBP in/IN a/DT big/NN fat/NN ugly/JJ bubble/CD
27 6 And/CC we/PRP better/JJR be/VB awfully/RB careful/CD
37 9 And/CC we/PRP have/VBP a/DT Fed/NNP that/NNS doing/VBG political/JJ things/JJ
23 6 This/DT Janet/NNP Yellen/NNP of/IN the/DT Fed/NNP
58 13 The/DT Fed/NNP is/VBZ doing/VBG political/JJ by/IN keeping/VBG the/DT interest/NN rates/NNS at/IN this/DT level/CD
191 49 And/CC believe/VBP me/VBG The/DT day/NN Obama/NNP goes/VBZ off/NN and/CC he/PRP leaves/VBP and/CC goes/VBZ out/IN to/TO the/DT golf/NN course/NN for/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN his/PRP life/NN to/TO play/VB golf/NN when/WRB they/PRP raise/VBP interest/NN rates/NN you're/NN going/VBG to/TO see/VB some/DT very/RB bad/JJ things/NNS happen/VBP because/IN the/DT Fed/NNP is/VBZ not/RB doing/VBG their/PRP job/CD
46 9 The/DT Fed/NNP is/VBZ being/VBG more/RBR political/JJ than/IN Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP
40 9 I/PRP don't/VB mind/NN releasing/VBG I'm/NNP under/IN a/DT routine/JJ audit/JJ
18 4 And/CC it'll/NN be/VB released/JJ
43 11 And/CC as/RB soon/RB as/IN the/DT audit/NNS finished/VBP it/PRP will/MD be/VB released/JJ
143 30 But/CC you/PRP will/MD learn/VB more/JJR about/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP by/IN going/VBG down/RB to/TO the/DT federal/JJ elections/NN where/WRB I/PRP filed/VBD a/DT 104-page/JJ essentially/RB financial/JJ statement/NN of/IN sorts/VBG the/DT forms/NNS that/DT they/PRP have/CD
91 22 It/PRP shows/VBZ income/NN in/IN fact/VBG the/DT income/NN I/PRP just/RB looked/VBD today/NN the/DT income/NN is/VBZ filed/VBN at/IN million/CD for/IN this/DT past/JJ year/NN million/CD
76 21 If/IN you/PRP would/MD have/VB told/VBN me/PRP I/PRP was/VBD going/VBG to/TO make/VB that/IN or/CC years/NNS ago/VBP I/PRP would/MD have/VB been/VBN very/RB surprised/JJ
43 10 But/CC that/VBZ the/DT kind/NN of/IN thinking/VBG that/IN our/PRP country/NN needs/JJ
222 52 When/WRB we/PRP have/VBP a/DT country/NN that/NNS doing/VBG so/RB badly/VBP that/NNS being/VBG ripped/VBN off/IN by/IN every/DT single/JJ country/NN in/IN the/DT world/NN it/VBZ the/DT kind/NN of/IN thinking/VBG that/IN our/PRP country/NN needs/NN because/IN everybody/NN Lester/NNP we/PRP have/VBP a/DT trade/NN deficit/NN with/IN all/DT of/IN the/DT countries/NNS that/IN we/PRP do/VBP business/NN with/NN of/IN almost/RB billion/CD a/DT year/CD
17 5 You/PRP know/VBP what/WP that/DT is/NN
38 7 That/DT means/NN who/NNS negotiating/VBG these/DT trade/NN deals/NN
57 11 We/PRP have/VBP people/NNS that/WDT are/VBP political/JJ hacks/NNS negotiating/VBG our/PRP trade/NN deals/JJ
8 2 Excuse/VB me/CD
44 13 Well/NNP I/PRP told/VBD you/NN I/PRP will/MD release/VB them/PRP as/RB soon/RB as/IN the/DT audit/JJ
36 8 Look/NNP I've/NNP been/VBN under/IN audit/NN almost/RB for/IN years/CD
48 12 I/PRP know/VBP a/DT lot/NN of/IN wealthy/JJ people/NNS that/WDT have/VBP never/RB been/VBN audited/JJ
20 6 I/PRP said/VBP do/VBP you/PRP get/VB audited/VBG
26 6 I/PRP get/VBP audited/VBN almost/RB every/DT year/CD
29 8 And/CC in/IN a/DT way/NN I/PRP should/MD be/VB complaining/CD
21 4 I'm/NNP not/RB even/RB complaining/CD
12 4 I/PRP don't/VB mind/NN it/JJ
24 7 It/NNP almost/RB become/VB a/DT way/NN of/IN life/CD
19 6 I/PRP get/VBP audited/VBN by/IN the/DT IRS/NNP
19 4 But/CC other/JJ people/NNS don't/JJ
12 4 I/PRP will/MD say/VB this/JJ
51 14 We/PRP have/VBP a/DT situation/NN in/IN this/DT country/NN that/WDT has/VBZ to/TO be/VB taken/VBN care/NN of/CD
89 19 I/PRP will/MD release/VB my/PRP tax/NN returns/NNS against/IN my/PRP lawyer/NNS wishes/VBZ when/WRB she/PRP releases/VBZ her/PRP e-mails/NNS that/WDT have/VBP been/VBN deleted/JJ
35 9 As/RB soon/RB as/IN she/PRP releases/VBZ them/NN I/PRP will/MD release/CD
24 6 I/PRP will/MD release/VB my/PRP tax/NN returns/JJ
39 10 And/CC that/NNS against/IN my/PRP lawyers/NN they/PRP say/VBP Don't/VBG do/VBP it/JJ
16 5 I/PRP will/MD tell/VB you/PRP this/JJ
44 9 No/DT in/IN fact/NN watching/VBG shows/NN they're/NN reading/VBG the/DT papers/CD
68 13 Almost/RB every/DT lawyer/NN says/NN you/PRP don't/VB release/VB your/PRP returns/NNS until/IN the/DT audit/NNS complete/JJ
28 7 When/WRB the/DT audit/NNS complete/VBP I'll/NNP do/VBP it/JJ
45 11 But/CC I/PRP would/MD go/VB against/IN them/PRP if/IN she/PRP releases/VBZ her/PRP e-mails/CD
17 4 It/NNP not/RB negotiable/VB no/NN
23 5 Let/VB her/PRP release/NN the/DT e-mails/CD
15 4 Why/WRB did/VBD she/PRP delete/VB
16 4 That/DT makes/VBZ me/PRP smart/JJ
11 3 That/NNS for/IN sure/CD
23 6 That/DT was/VBD more/JJR than/IN a/DT mistake/JJ
20 4 That/DT was/VBD done/VBN purposely/CD
2 1 OK/NNP
18 5 That/DT was/VBD not/RB a/DT mistake/JJ
20 4 That/DT was/VBD done/VBN purposely/CD
154 34 When/WRB you/PRP have/VBP your/PRP staff/NN taking/VBG the/DT Fifth/NNP Amendment/NNP taking/VBG the/DT Fifth/NNP so/RB they're/VBP not/RB prosecuted/VB when/WRB you/PRP have/VBP the/DT man/NN that/WDT set/VBD up/IN the/DT illegal/JJ server/NN taking/VBG the/DT Fifth/NNP I/PRP think/VBP it/NNS disgraceful/JJ
60 12 And/CC believe/VBP me/VBG this/DT country/NN thinks/VBZ it/NNS really/RB thinks/VBZ it/NNS disgraceful/VBP also/CD
54 14 As/RB far/RB as/IN my/PRP tax/NN returns/NN you/PRP don't/VB learn/VB that/IN much/JJ from/IN tax/NN returns/JJ
15 5 That/DT I/PRP can/MD tell/VB you/CD
35 7 You/PRP learn/VBP a/DT lot/NN from/IN financial/JJ disclosure/JJ
36 11 And/CC you/PRP should/MD go/VB down/RB and/CC take/VB a/DT look/NN at/IN that/JJ
39 6 The/DT other/JJ thing/NNP I'm/NNP extremely/RB underleveraged/JJ
97 27 The/DT report/NN that/WDT said/VBD which/NN by/IN the/DT way/VBG a/DT lot/NN of/IN friends/NNS of/IN mine/NN that/WDT know/VBP my/PRP business/NN say/NN boy/NN that/NNS really/RB not/RB a/DT lot/NN of/IN money/CD
34 11 It/NNP not/RB a/DT lot/NN of/IN money/NN relative/JJ to/TO what/WP I/PRP had/JJ
137 32 The/DT buildings/NNS that/WDT were/VBD in/IN question/NN they/PRP said/VBD in/IN the/DT same/JJ report/NN which/WDT was/VBD actually/NN it/PRP wasn't/NN even/RB a/DT bad/JJ story/NN to/TO be/VB honest/JJ with/IN you/NN but/CC the/DT buildings/NNS are/VBP worth/JJ billion/CD
21 6 And/CC the/DT isn't/VBZ even/RB on/IN that/JJ
8 3 But/CC it/NNS not/RB
18 5 It/NNP much/RB less/JJR than/IN that/JJ
77 24 But/CC I/PRP could/MD give/VB you/PRP a/DT list/NN of/IN banks/NN I/PRP would/MD if/IN that/DT would/MD help/VB you/VB I/PRP would/MD give/VB you/PRP a/DT list/NN of/IN banks/CD
41 8 These/DT are/VBP very/RB fine/JJ institutions/NN very/RB fine/JJ banks/CD
23 6 I/PRP could/MD do/VB that/DT very/RB quickly/CD
21 4 I/PRP am/VBP very/RB underleveraged/JJ
18 5 I/PRP have/VBP a/DT great/JJ company/CD
22 5 I/PRP have/VBP a/DT tremendous/JJ income/CD
43 12 And/CC the/DT reason/NN I/PRP say/VBP that/WDT is/VBZ not/RB in/IN a/DT braggadocios/NNS way/CD
78 18 It/NNS because/IN it/NNS about/IN time/NN that/IN this/DT country/NN had/VBD somebody/NN running/VBG it/PRP that/WDT has/VBZ an/DT idea/NN about/IN money/CD
153 38 When/WRB we/PRP have/VBP trillion/CD in/IN debt/NN and/CC our/PRP country/NNS a/DT mess/NN you/PRP know/VBP it/NNS one/CD thing/NN to/TO have/VB trillion/CD in/IN debt/NN and/CC our/PRP roads/NNS are/VBP good/JJ and/CC our/PRP bridges/NNS are/VBP good/JJ and/CC everything/NNS in/IN great/JJ shape/VBG our/PRP airports/JJ
40 9 Our/PRP airports/NNS are/VBP like/IN from/IN a/DT third/JJ world/NN country/JJ
200 48 You/PRP land/VBP at/IN LaGuardia/NNP you/PRP land/VBP at/IN Kennedy/NNP you/PRP land/VBP at/IN LAX/NNP you/PRP land/VBP at/IN Newark/NNP and/CC you/PRP come/VBP in/IN from/IN Dubai/NNP and/CC Qatar/NNP and/CC you/PRP see/VBP these/DT incredible/JJ you/PRP come/VBP in/IN from/IN China/NNP you/PRP see/VBP these/DT incredible/JJ airports/NN and/CC you/PRP land/VBP we've/NN become/VB a/DT third/JJ world/NN country/JJ
32 8 So/RB the/DT worst/JJS of/IN all/DT things/NNS has/VBZ happened/JJ
26 7 We/PRP owe/VBP trillion/NN and/CC we're/VBG a/DT mess/CD
20 4 We/PRP haven't/VBP even/RB started/JJ
66 16 And/CC we've/NN spent/VBD trillion/CD in/IN the/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP according/VBG to/TO a/DT report/NN that/IN I/PRP just/RB saw/CD
83 20 Whether/IN it/NNS or/CC but/CC it/PRP looks/VBZ like/IN it/NNS trillion/CD in/IN the/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP we/PRP could/MD have/VB rebuilt/VBN our/PRP country/NN twice/JJ
17 5 And/CC it/NNS really/RB a/DT shame/CD
61 11 And/CC it/NNS politicians/NNS like/IN Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP that/WDT have/VBP caused/VBN this/DT problem/CD
31 5 Our/PRP country/NN has/VBZ tremendous/JJ problems/CD
18 4 We're/NNP a/DT debtor/NN nation/JJ
25 5 We're/NNP a/DT serious/JJ debtor/NN nation/JJ
87 19 And/CC we/PRP have/VBP a/DT country/NN that/WDT needs/VBZ new/JJ roads/NN new/JJ tunnels/NN new/JJ bridges/NN new/JJ airports/NN new/JJ schools/NN new/JJ hospitals/JJ
64 16 And/CC we/PRP don't/VB have/VBP the/DT money/NN because/IN it/NNS been/VBN squandered/VBN on/IN so/RB many/NN of/IN your/PRP ideas/JJ
31 7 It/PRP would/MD be/VB squandered/VBN too/NN believe/VB me/CD
52 14 Maybe/RB he/PRP didn't/VBD do/VBP a/DT good/JJ job/NN and/CC I/PRP was/VBD unsatisfied/JJ with/IN his/PRP work
26 6 Which/WDT our/PRP country/NN should/MD do/VB too/JJ
5 1 Wrong/NNP
5 1 Wrong/NNP
26 9 So/JJ yeah/NN I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP do/VBP think/VB it/NNS time/JJ
29 8 Look/NN it/VBZ all/DT words/NN it/VBZ all/DT sound/NN bites/JJ
27 5 I/PRP built/VBD an/DT unbelievable/JJ company/CD
125 26 Some/DT of/IN the/DT greatest/JJS assets/NNS anywhere/RB in/IN the/DT world/NN real/JJ estate/NN assets/NNS anywhere/RB in/IN the/DT world/NN beyond/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP in/IN Europe/NNP lots/NNS of/IN different/JJ places/CD
23 4 It/NNP an/DT unbelievable/JJ company/CD
51 12 But/CC on/IN occasion/NN four/CD times/NN we/PRP used/VBD certain/JJ laws/NNS that/WDT are/VBP there/JJ
121 29 And/CC when/WRB Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP talks/NNS about/IN people/NNS that/WDT didn't/VBD get/VB paid/NN first/JJ of/IN all/NN they/PRP did/VBD get/VB paid/VBN a/DT lot/NN but/CC taken/VBN advantage/NN of/IN the/DT laws/NNS of/IN the/DT nation/JJ
64 17 Now/NNS if/IN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO change/VB the/DT laws/NN you've/NN been/VBN there/EX a/DT long/JJ time/NN change/NN the/DT laws/CD
62 15 But/CC I/PRP take/VBP advantage/NN of/IN the/DT laws/NNS of/IN the/DT nation/NN because/IN I'm/NNP running/VBG a/DT company/CD
72 17 My/PRP obligation/NN right/RB now/RB is/VBZ to/TO do/VB well/RB for/IN myself/VBG my/PRP family/VB my/PRP employees/NN for/IN my/PRP companies/CD
14 5 And/CC that/NNS what/WP I/PRP do/JJ
86 20 But/CC what/WP she/PRP doesn't/VBP say/VBP is/VBZ that/IN tens/NNS of/IN thousands/NNS of/IN people/NNS that/WDT are/VBP unbelievably/RB happy/JJ and/CC that/DT love/NN me/CD
20 5 I'll/NNP give/VB you/PRP an/DT example/CD
126 29 We're/NNP just/RB opening/VBG up/IN on/IN Pennsylvania/NNP Avenue/NNP right/NN next/JJ to/TO the/DT White/NNP House/NNP so/RB if/IN I/PRP don't/VB get/VB there/EX one/CD way/NNP I'm/NNP going/VBG to/TO get/VB to/TO Pennsylvania/NNP Avenue/NNP another/JJ
31 7 But/CC we're/NN opening/VBG the/DT Old/NNP Post/NNP Office/NNP
46 8 Under/IN budget/NN ahead/RB of/IN schedule/NN saved/VBD tremendous/JJ money/CD
23 6 I'm/NNP a/DT year/NN ahead/RB of/IN schedule/JJ
35 8 And/CC that/NNS what/WP this/DT country/NN should/MD be/VB doing/JJ
71 17 We/PRP build/VBP roads/NNS and/CC they/PRP cost/VBP two/CD and/CC three/CD and/CC four/CD times/NNS what/WP they're/NN supposed/VBN to/TO cost/VB
136 33 We/PRP buy/VBP products/NNS for/IN our/PRP military/JJ and/CC they/PRP come/VBP in/IN at/IN costs/NNS that/WDT are/VBP so/RB far/RB above/IN what/WP they/PRP were/VBD supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB because/IN we/PRP don't/VB have/VBP people/NNS that/WDT know/VBP what/WP they're/NN doing/JJ
105 31 When/WRB we/PRP look/VBP at/IN the/DT budget/VBG the/DT budget/NN is/VBZ bad/JJ to/TO a/DT large/JJ extent/NN because/IN we/PRP have/VBP people/NNS that/WDT have/VBP no/DT idea/NN as/IN to/TO what/WP to/TO do/VB and/CC how/WRB to/TO buy/CD
58 12 The/DT Trump/NNP International/NNP is/VBZ way/NN under/IN budget/NN and/CC way/NN ahead/RB of/IN schedule/JJ
38 11 And/CC we/PRP should/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO do/VB that/IN for/IN our/PRP country/JJ
78 19 Well/JJ first/JJ of/IN all/NNP Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP doesn't/NN want/VBP to/TO use/VB a/DT couple/NN of/IN words/NN and/CC that/NNS law/NN and/CC order/JJ
20 6 And/CC we/PRP need/VBP law/NN and/CC order/JJ
42 12 If/IN we/PRP don't/VB have/VBP it/VBG we're/NN not/RB going/VBG to/TO have/VB a/DT country/JJ
203 54 And/CC when/WRB I/PRP look/VBP at/IN what/NNS going/VBG on/IN in/IN Charlotte/NNP a/DT city/NN I/PRP love/VBG a/DT city/NN where/WRB I/PRP have/VBP investments/VBG when/WRB I/PRP look/VBP at/IN what/NNS going/VBG on/IN throughout/IN various/JJ parts/NNS of/IN our/PRP country/NN whether/IN it/NNS I/PRP mean/VBP I/PRP can/MD just/RB keep/VB naming/VBG them/PRP all/DT day/NN long/JJ we/PRP need/VBP law/NN and/CC order/NN in/IN our/PRP country/JJ
82 21 I/PRP just/RB got/VBD today/NN the/NN as/IN you/PRP know/VBG the/DT endorsement/NN of/IN the/DT Fraternal/NNP Order/NNP of/IN Police/NNP we/PRP just/RB just/RB came/VBD in/NN
98 22 We/PRP have/VBP endorsements/NNS from/VBP I/PRP think/VBP almost/RB every/DT police/NN group/NN very/RB I/PRP mean/VBG a/DT large/JJ percentage/NN of/IN them/PRP in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
103 20 We/PRP have/VBP a/DT situation/NN where/WRB we/PRP have/VBP our/PRP inner/JJ cities/NNP African-Americans/NNP Hispanics/NNPS are/VBP living/VBG in/IN he'll/NN because/IN it/NNS so/RB dangerous/JJ
30 8 You/PRP walk/VBP down/RP the/DT street/NN you/PRP get/VBP shot/JJ
63 11 In/IN Chicago/NNP they've/NN had/VBD thousands/NNS of/IN shootings/NN thousands/NNS since/IN January/NNP 1st/JJ
20 3 Thousands/NNS of/IN shootings/JJ
23 6 And/CC I'm/NNP saying/NN where/WRB is/VBZ this/VBG
22 5 Is/VBZ this/DT a/DT war-torn/JJ country/NN
14 4 What/WP are/VBP we/PRP doing/VBP
26 7 And/CC we/PRP have/VBP to/TO stop/VB the/DT violence/CD
28 8 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO bring/VB back/JJ law/NN and/CC order/JJ
184 38 In/IN a/DT place/NN like/IN Chicago/NNP where/WRB thousands/NNS of/IN people/NNS have/VBP been/VBN killed/NN thousands/NNS over/IN the/DT last/JJ number/NN of/IN years/NN in/IN fact/NN almost/RB have/VBP been/VBN killed/VBN since/IN Barack/NNP Obama/NNP became/VBD president/NN over/IN almost/RB people/NNS in/IN Chicago/NNP have/VBP been/VBN killed/JJ
28 8 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO bring/VB back/JJ law/NN and/CC order/JJ
112 28 Now/NNS whether/IN or/CC not/RB in/IN a/DT place/NN like/IN Chicago/NNP you/PRP do/VBP stop/VB and/CC frisk/NN which/WDT worked/VBD very/JJ well/NNP Mayor/NNP Giuliani/NNP is/VBZ here/VBG worked/VBN very/RB well/RB in/IN New/NNP York/NNP
28 7 It/PRP brought/VBD the/DT crime/NN rate/NN way/NN down/RP
56 13 But/CC you/PRP take/VBP the/DT gun/NN away/RB from/IN criminals/NNS that/WDT shouldn't/MD be/VB having/VBG it/JJ
27 6 We/PRP have/VBP gangs/NNS roaming/VBG the/DT street/JJ
51 9 And/CC in/IN many/JJ cases/NN they're/NN illegally/RB here/VBP illegal/JJ immigrants/JJ
15 4 And/CC they/PRP have/VBP guns/CD
18 4 And/CC they/PRP shoot/VBP people/CD
23 7 And/CC we/PRP have/VBP to/TO be/VB very/RB strong/JJ
25 7 And/CC we/PRP have/VBP to/TO be/VB very/RB vigilant/JJ
36 11 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO be/VB we/PRP have/VBP to/TO know/VB what/WP we're/NN doing/JJ
49 12 Right/JJ now/VBG our/PRP police/NN in/IN many/JJ cases/NN are/VBP afraid/JJ to/TO do/VB anything/JJ
96 16 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO protect/VB our/PRP inner/JJ cities/NN because/IN African-American/NNP communities/NNS are/VBP being/VBG decimated/VBN by/IN crime/NN decimated/JJ
13 3 No/JJ you're/NN wrong/CD
48 11 It/PRP went/VBD before/IN a/DT judge/NN who/WP was/VBD a/DT very/RB against-police/JJ judge/JJ
21 6 It/PRP was/VBD taken/VBN away/RB from/IN her/CD
51 13 And/CC our/PRP mayor/VB our/PRP new/JJ mayor/NN refused/VBD to/TO go/VB forward/RB with/IN the/DT case/CD
24 6 They/PRP would/MD have/VB won/VBN an/DT appeal/CD
65 15 If/IN you/PRP look/VBP at/IN it/NN throughout/IN the/DT country/NN there/EX are/VBP many/JJ places/NNS where/WRB it/NNS allowed/JJ
109 27 No/NNP the/DT argument/NN is/VBZ that/IN we/PRP have/VBP to/TO take/VB the/DT guns/NNS away/RB from/IN these/DT people/NNS that/WDT have/VBP them/PRP and/CC they/PRP are/VBP bad/JJ people/NNS that/WDT shouldn't/MD have/VB them/JJ
14 3 These/DT are/VBP felons/CD
208 44 These/DT are/VBP people/NNS that/WDT are/VBP bad/JJ people/NNS that/WDT shouldn't/MD be/VB when/WRB you/PRP have/VBP shootings/NNS in/IN Chicago/NNP from/IN January/NNP 1st/JJ when/WRB you/PRP have/VBP people/NNS killed/VBN in/IN Chicago/NNP by/IN guns/NN from/IN the/DT beginning/NN of/IN the/DT presidency/NN of/IN Barack/NNP Obama/NNP his/PRP hometown/NN you/PRP have/VBP to/TO have/VB stop-and-frisk/JJ
17 4 You/PRP need/VBP more/JJR police/CD
38 8 You/PRP need/VBP a/DT better/JJR community/NN you/PRP know/VBP relation/JJ
43 8 You/PRP don't/VB have/VBP good/JJ community/NN relations/NNS in/IN Chicago/NNP
10 2 It/NNP terrible/JJ
18 4 I/PRP have/VBP property/NN there/JJ
30 7 It/NNP terrible/JJ what/NNS going/VBG on/IN in/IN Chicago/NNP
77 20 But/CC when/WRB you/PRP look/VBP and/CC Chicago/NNP not/RB the/DT only/RB you/PRP go/VBP to/TO Ferguson/NNP you/PRP go/VBP to/TO so/RB many/JJ different/JJ places/CD
26 4 You/PRP need/VBP better/RBR relationships/JJ
32 7 I/PRP agree/VBP with/IN Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP on/IN this/JJ
86 17 You/PRP need/VBP better/JJR relationships/NNS between/IN the/DT communities/NNS and/CC the/DT police/NN because/IN in/IN some/DT cases/NN it/NNS not/RB good/JJ
153 29 But/CC you/PRP look/VBP at/IN Dallas/NNP where/WRB the/DT relationships/NNS were/VBD really/RB studied/VBG the/DT relationships/NNS were/VBD really/RB a/DT beautiful/JJ thing/NN and/CC then/RB five/CD police/NN officers/NNS were/VBD killed/VBN one/CD night/NN very/RB violently/JJ
27 7 So/RB there/VBZ some/DT bad/JJ things/NNS going/VBG on/CD
19 4 Some/DT really/RB bad/JJ things/JJ
32 9 But/CC we/PRP need/VBP Lester/NNP we/PRP need/VBP law/NN and/CC order/JJ
122 25 And/CC we/PRP need/VBP law/NN and/CC order/NN in/IN the/DT inner/JJ cities/NN because/IN the/DT people/NNS that/WDT are/VBP most/RBS affected/VBN by/IN what/NNS happening/VBG are/VBP African-American/NNP and/CC Hispanic/JJ people/CD
58 13 And/CC it/NNS very/RB unfair/JJ to/TO them/PRP what/WP our/PRP politicians/NNS are/VBP allowing/VBG to/TO happen/CD
3 1 Ugh/NNP
22 6 I'd/NNP like/VB to/TO respond/VB to/TO that/VB
108 29 First/NNP of/IN all/NN I/PRP agree/VBP and/CC a/DT lot/NN of/IN people/NNS even/RB within/IN my/PRP own/JJ party/NN want/VBP to/TO give/VB certain/JJ rights/NNS to/TO people/NNS on/IN watch/NN lists/NNS and/CC no-/JJ fly/NN lists/JJ
13 4 I/PRP agree/VBP with/IN you/CD
87 25 When/WRB a/DT person/NN is/VBZ on/IN a/DT watch/NN list/NN or/CC a/DT no-fly/JJ list/NN and/CC I/PRP have/VBP the/DT endorsement/NN of/IN the/DT NRA/NNP which/WDT I'm/NNP very/RB proud/JJ of/CD
64 12 These/DT are/VBP very/VBG very/RB good/JJ people/NN and/CC they're/NN protecting/VBG the/DT Second/NNP Amendment/NNP
59 15 But/CC I/PRP think/VBP we/PRP have/VBP to/TO look/VB very/RB strongly/RB at/IN no-fly/JJ lists/NNS and/CC watch/VB lists/JJ
103 25 And/CC when/WRB people/NNS are/VBP on/IN there/NN even/RB if/IN they/PRP shouldn't/MD be/VB on/IN there/NN we'll/NN help/NN them/VB we'll/NN help/NN them/PRP legally/VBP we'll/VBG help/NN them/PRP get/VBP off/CD
36 9 But/CC I/PRP tend/VBP to/TO agree/VB with/IN that/DT quite/RB strongly/JJ
95 23 I/PRP do/VBP want/VB to/TO bring/VB up/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN you/PRP were/VBD the/DT one/CD that/WDT brought/VBD up/IN the/DT words/NNS super-predator/JJ about/IN young/JJ black/JJ youth/JJ
54 17 And/CC that/VBZ a/DT term/NN that/IN I/PRP think/VBP was/VBD a/DT it/NNS it/NNS been/VBN horribly/RB met/VBP as/IN you/PRP know/CD
27 6 I/PRP think/VBP you've/VBG apologized/VBN for/IN it/JJ
33 10 But/CC I/PRP think/VBP it/PRP was/VBD a/DT terrible/JJ thing/NN to/TO say/CD
68 14 And/CC when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO stop-and-frisk/VB you/PRP know/VB you're/NN talking/VBG about/IN takes/VBZ guns/NNS away/CD
62 14 Well/NNP I'm/NNP talking/VBG about/IN taking/VBG guns/NNS away/RB from/IN gangs/NNS and/CC people/NNS that/WDT use/VBP them/JJ
77 21 And/CC I/PRP don't/VB think/VBP I/PRP really/RB don't/VB think/VBP you/PRP disagree/VBP with/IN me/PRP on/IN this/NN if/IN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO know/VB the/DT truth/JJ
148 32 I/PRP think/VBP maybe/RB there/VBZ a/DT political/JJ reason/NN why/WRB you/PRP can't/MD say/VB it/NN but/CC I/PRP really/RB don't/VB believe/VBP in/IN New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP stop-and-frisk/JJ we/PRP had/VBD murders/NN and/CC stop-and-frisk/RB brought/VBN it/PRP down/RB to/TO murders/JJ
33 8 Five/CD hundred/CD murders/NNS is/VBZ a/DT lot/NN of/IN murders/JJ
37 10 It/NNP hard/JJ to/TO believe/VB is/VBZ like/IN supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB good/VBN
15 5 But/CC we/PRP went/VBD from/IN to/TO
35 8 And/CC it/PRP was/VBD continued/VBN on/IN by/IN Mayor/NNP Bloomberg/NNP
32 7 And/CC it/PRP was/VBD terminated/VBN by/IN current/JJ mayor/CD
61 14 But/CC stop-and-/JJ frisk/NN had/VBD a/DT tremendous/JJ impact/NN on/IN the/DT safety/NN of/IN New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP
22 3 Tremendous/VBN beyond/IN belief/CD
36 11 So/RB when/WRB you/PRP say/VBP it/PRP has/VBZ no/DT impact/NN it/PRP really/RB did/JJ
23 7 It/PRP had/VBD a/DT very/NN very/RB big/JJ impact/JJ
13 3 No/JJ you're/NN wrong/CD
11 2 You're/NNP wrong/CD
12 3 Murders/NNS are/VBP up/RB
8 2 All/DT right/JJ
10 3 You/PRP check/VBP it/JJ
28 8 I'd/NNS like/IN to/TO just/RB respond/VBG if/IN I/PRP might/JJ
20 5 I'd/NNP just/RB like/VB to/TO respond/VB
5 2 I/PRP will/CD
62 11 Look/NNP the/DT African-American/NNP community/NN has/VBZ been/VBN let/VB down/RB by/IN our/PRP politicians/JJ
100 24 They/PRP talk/VBP good/JJ around/IN election/NN time/NN like/IN right/JJ now/NN and/CC after/IN the/DT election/NN they/PRP said/VBP see/VB ya/NN later/NNP I'll/NNP see/VB you/PRP in/IN four/CD years/CD
92 16 The/DT African-American/NNP community/NN because/IN look/VBG the/DT community/NN within/IN the/DT inner/JJ cities/NNS has/VBZ been/VBN so/RB badly/RB treated/JJ
81 18 They've/NNP been/VBN abused/VBN and/CC used/VBN in/IN order/NN to/TO get/VB votes/NNS by/IN Democrat/NNP politicians/NN because/IN that/NNS what/WP it/PRP is/CD
45 8 They've/NNP controlled/VBD these/DT communities/NNS for/IN up/IN to/TO years/CD
131 35 And/CC I/PRP will/MD tell/VB you/NN you/PRP look/VB at/IN the/DT inner/JJ cities/NNS and/CC I/PRP just/RB left/VBD Detroit/NNP and/CC I/PRP just/RB left/VBD Philadelphia/NNP and/CC I/PRP just/RB you/PRP know/VBP you've/VBG seen/VBN me/NNP I've/NNP been/VBN all/DT over/IN the/DT place/CD
29 8 You/PRP decided/VBD to/TO stay/VB home/NN and/CC that/NNS OK/UH
30 9 But/CC I/PRP will/MD tell/VB you/NN I've/NNP been/VBN all/DT over/CD
67 14 And/CC I've/NNP met/VBD some/DT of/IN the/DT greatest/JJS people/NNS I'll/NNP ever/RB meet/VB within/IN these/DT communities/JJ
90 19 And/CC they/PRP are/VBP very/VBG very/RB upset/VBD with/IN what/WP their/PRP politicians/NNS have/VBP told/VBN them/PRP and/CC what/WP their/PRP politicians/NNS have/VBP done/JJ
38 10 I'll/NNP tell/VB you/PRP very/RB well/NN just/RB very/RB simple/JJ to/TO say/CD
76 14 Sidney/NNP Blumenthal/NNP works/NNS for/IN the/DT campaign/NN and/CC close/VB very/RB close/VB friend/NN of/IN Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP
100 19 And/CC her/PRP campaign/NN manager/NNP Patti/NNP Doyle/NNP went/VBD to/TO during/IN the/DT campaign/VBG her/PRP campaign/NN against/IN President/NNP Obama/NNP fought/VBD very/RB hard/JJ
38 13 And/CC you/PRP can/MD go/VB look/NN it/PRP up/VB and/CC you/PRP can/MD check/VB it/PRP out/JJ
82 20 And/CC if/IN you/PRP look/VBP at/IN CNN/NNP this/DT past/JJ week/NNP Patti/NNP Solis/NNP Doyle/NNP was/VBD on/IN Wolf/NNP Blitzer/NNP saying/VBG that/DT this/DT happened/JJ
80 15 Blumenthal/NNP sent/VBD McClatchy/NNP highly/RB respected/VBD reporter/NN at/IN McClatchy/NNP to/TO Kenya/NNP to/TO find/VB out/IN about/IN it/JJ
26 6 They/PRP were/VBD pressing/VBG it/PRP very/RB hard/JJ
33 7 She/PRP failed/VBD to/TO get/VB the/DT birth/NN certificate/JJ
27 7 When/WRB I/PRP got/VBD involved/NN I/PRP didn't/VBD fail/CD
32 8 I/PRP got/VBD him/PRP to/TO give/VB the/DT birth/NN certificate/JJ
20 5 So/RB I'm/NNP satisfied/VBD with/IN it/JJ
35 9 And/CC I'll/NNP tell/VB you/PRP why/WRB I'm/NNP satisfied/VBD with/IN it/JJ
193 51 Because/IN I/PRP want/VBP to/TO get/VB on/IN to/TO defeating/VBG ISIS/NNP because/IN I/PRP want/VBP to/TO get/VB on/IN to/TO creating/VBG jobs/NN because/IN I/PRP want/VBP to/TO get/VB on/IN to/TO having/VBG a/DT strong/JJ border/NN because/IN I/PRP want/VBP to/TO get/VB on/IN to/TO things/NNS that/WDT are/VBP very/RB important/JJ to/TO me/PRP and/CC that/DT are/VBP very/RB important/JJ to/TO the/DT country/JJ
4 1 Yeah/NNP
49 11 Well/JJ nobody/NN was/VBD pressing/VBG it/NN nobody/NN was/VBD caring/VBG much/JJ about/IN it/JJ
42 9 I/PRP figured/VBD you'd/NN ask/VB the/DT question/NN tonight/NN of/IN course/CD
29 7 But/CC nobody/NN was/VBD caring/VBG much/JJ about/IN it/JJ
51 13 But/CC I/PRP was/VBD the/DT one/CD that/WDT got/VBD him/PRP to/TO produce/VB the/DT birth/NN certificate/JJ
21 8 And/CC I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP did/VBD a/DT good/JJ job/CD
28 5 Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP also/RB fought/VBD it/JJ
61 16 I/PRP mean/VBP you/PRP know/VBP now/NN everybody/NN in/IN mainstream/NN is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO say/VB oh/NN that/NNS not/RB true/JJ
10 3 Look/JJ it/NNS true/JJ
108 24 Sidney/NNP Blumenthal/NNP sent/VBD a/DT reporter/NN you/PRP just/RB have/VBP to/TO take/VB a/DT look/NN at/IN CNN/NNP the/DT last/JJ week/VBG the/DT interview/NN with/IN your/PRP former/JJ campaign/NN manager/CD
17 4 And/CC she/PRP was/VBD involved/JJ
47 11 But/CC just/RB like/IN she/PRP can't/MD bring/VB back/JJ jobs/NN she/PRP can't/MD produce/VB
24 7 Well/NNP it/PRP was/VBD very/RB I/PRP say/VBP nothing/JJ
45 13 I/PRP say/VBP nothing/VBG because/IN I/PRP was/VBD able/JJ to/TO get/VB him/PRP to/TO produce/VB it/JJ
37 9 He/PRP should/MD have/VB produced/VBN it/PRP a/DT long/JJ time/NN before/CD
11 3 I/PRP say/VBP nothing/JJ
19 6 But/CC let/VB me/PRP just/RB tell/VBP you/CD
125 23 When/WRB you/PRP talk/VBP about/IN healing/NN I/PRP think/VBP that/IN I've/NNP developed/VBD very/NN very/RB good/JJ relationships/NNS over/IN the/DT last/JJ little/JJ while/IN with/IN the/DT African-American/NNP community/JJ
19 6 I/PRP think/VBP you/PRP can/MD see/VB that/JJ
52 13 And/CC I/PRP feel/VBP that/IN they/PRP really/RB wanted/VBD me/PRP to/TO come/VB to/TO that/DT conclusion/CD
120 30 And/CC I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP did/VBD a/DT great/JJ job/NN and/CC a/DT great/JJ service/NN not/RB only/RB for/IN the/DT country/NN but/CC even/RB for/IN the/DT president/NN in/IN getting/VBG him/PRP to/TO produce/VB his/PRP birth/NN certificate/JJ
19 5 I/PRP would/MD love/VB to/TO respond/VB
74 18 First/NNP of/IN all/NN I/PRP got/VBD to/TO watch/VB in/IN preparing/VBG for/IN this/DT some/DT of/IN your/PRP debates/NNS against/IN Barack/NNP Obama/NNP
35 6 You/PRP treated/VBD him/PRP with/IN terrible/JJ disrespect/JJ
74 18 And/CC I/PRP watched/VBD the/DT way/NN you/PRP talk/VBP now/RB about/IN how/WRB lovely/JJ everything/NN is/VBZ and/CC how/WRB wonderful/JJ you/PRP are/CD
20 5 It/PRP doesn't/VBP work/NN that/DT way/CD
110 27 You/PRP were/VBD after/IN him/NN you/PRP were/VBD trying/VBG to/TO you/PRP even/RB sent/VBD out/IN or/CC your/PRP campaign/NN sent/VBD out/RP pictures/NNS of/IN him/PRP in/IN a/DT certain/JJ garb/NN very/RB famous/JJ pictures/JJ
25 7 I/PRP don't/VB think/VBP you/PRP can/MD deny/VB that/JJ
47 11 But/CC just/RB last/JJ week/VBG your/PRP campaign/NN manager/NN said/VBD it/PRP was/VBD true/JJ
52 13 So/RB when/WRB you/PRP tried/VBD to/TO act/VB holier/JJR than/IN thou/NN it/PRP really/RB doesn't/VBP work/CD
15 3 It/PRP really/RB doesn't/JJ
188 45 Now/NNP as/NNP far/RB as/IN the/DT lawsuit/NN yes/NN when/WRB I/PRP was/VBD very/JJ young/NN I/PRP went/VBD into/IN my/PRP father/NNS company/VBP had/VBD a/DT real/JJ estate/NN company/NN in/IN Brooklyn/NNP and/CC Queens/NNP and/CC we/NN along/IN with/IN many/NN many/JJ other/JJ companies/NNS throughout/IN the/DT country/NN it/PRP was/VBD a/DT federal/JJ lawsuit/NN were/VBD sued/JJ
46 11 We/PRP settled/VBD the/DT suit/NN with/IN zero/CD with/IN no/DT admission/NN of/IN guilt/JJ
17 6 It/PRP was/VBD very/RB easy/JJ to/TO do/VB
25 8 I/PRP notice/VBP you/PRP bring/VBP that/IN up/IN a/DT lot/JJ
96 26 And/NNP you/PRP know/VBP I/PRP also/RB notice/VBP the/DT very/RB nasty/JJ commercials/NNS that/IN you/PRP do/VBP on/IN me/PRP in/IN so/RB many/JJ different/JJ ways/NN which/WDT I/PRP don't/VB do/VBP on/IN you/CD
28 7 Maybe/RB I'm/NNP trying/VBG to/TO save/VB the/DT money/CD
49 14 But/JJ frankly/NN I/PRP look/VBP I/PRP look/VBP at/IN that/NN and/CC I/PRP say/VBP isn't/VBZ that/DT amazing/NN
124 28 Because/IN I/PRP settled/VBD that/DT lawsuit/NN with/IN no/DT admission/NN of/IN guilt/NN but/CC that/DT was/VBD a/DT lawsuit/NN brought/VBN against/IN many/JJ real/JJ estate/NN firms/NN and/CC it/NNS just/RB one/CD of/IN those/DT things/JJ
20 5 I'll/NNP go/VB one/CD step/NN further/JJ
155 32 In/IN Palm/NNP Beach/NNP Florida/NNP tough/JJ community/VBG a/DT brilliant/JJ community/VBG a/DT wealthy/JJ community/NN probably/RB the/DT wealthiest/JJS community/NN there/RB is/VBZ in/IN the/DT world/NN I/PRP opened/VBD a/DT club/NN and/CC really/RB got/VBD great/JJ credit/NN for/IN it/JJ
68 8 No/DT discrimination/NN against/IN African-Americans/NNP against/IN Muslims/NNP against/IN anybody/JJ
32 6 And/CC it/VBZ a/DT tremendously/RB successful/JJ club/CD
18 7 And/CC I'm/NNP so/RB glad/JJ I/PRP did/VBD it/JJ
39 11 And/CC I/PRP have/VBP been/VBN given/VBN great/JJ credit/NN for/IN what/WP I/PRP did/JJ
23 7 And/CC I'm/NNP very/NN very/RB proud/JJ of/IN it/JJ
18 6 And/CC that/VBZ the/DT way/NN I/PRP feel/CD
21 7 That/DT is/VBZ the/DT true/JJ way/NN I/PRP feel/CD
136 34 I/PRP do/VBP want/VB to/TO say/VB that/IN I/PRP was/VBD just/RB endorsed/VBN and/CC more/JJR are/VBP coming/VBG next/JJ week/NN it/PRP will/MD be/VB over/IN admirals/NN many/NN of/IN them/PRP here/RB admirals/NNS and/CC generals/NNS endorsed/VBN me/PRP to/TO lead/VB this/DT country/JJ
36 8 That/DT just/RB happened/VBG and/CC many/RB more/JJR are/VBP coming/CD
19 6 And/CC I'm/NNP very/RB proud/JJ of/IN it/JJ
31 8 In/IN addition/NN I/PRP was/VBD just/RB endorsed/VBN by/IN ICE/NNP
46 7 They've/NNP never/RB endorsed/VBD anybody/NN before/IN on/IN immigration/JJ
21 6 I/PRP was/VBD just/RB endorsed/VBN by/IN ICE/NNP
42 8 I/PRP was/VBD just/RB recently/RB endorsed/VBN Border/NNP Patrol/NNP agents/JJ
185 41 So/RB when/WRB Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP talks/NNS about/IN this/NN I/PRP mean/VBP I'll/NNP take/VB the/DT admirals/NNS and/CC I'll/NNP take/VB the/DT generals/NNS any/DT day/NN over/IN the/DT political/JJ hacks/NNS that/IN I/PRP see/VBP that/WDT have/VBP led/VBN our/PRP country/NN so/RB brilliantly/RB over/IN the/DT last/JJ years/NNS with/IN their/PRP knowledge/JJ
2 1 OK/NNP
31 8 Because/IN look/NN at/IN the/DT mess/NN that/DT we're/NN in/NN
24 7 Look/VB at/IN the/DT mess/NN that/DT we're/NN in/NN
54 14 As/RB far/RB as/IN the/DT cyber/NN I/PRP agree/VBP to/TO parts/NNS of/IN what/WP Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP said/JJ
49 11 We/PRP should/MD be/VB better/JJR than/IN anybody/NN else/NN and/CC perhaps/RB we're/VBP not/NN
53 13 I/PRP don't/VB think/VBP anybody/NN knows/VBZ it/PRP was/VBD Russia/NNP that/WDT broke/VBD into/IN the/DT DNC/NNP
46 11 She/NNP saying/VBG Russia/NNP Russia/NNP Russia/NNP but/CC I/PRP don't/VB maybe/RB it/PRP was/CD
41 12 I/PRP mean/VBP it/PRP could/MD be/VB Russia/NNP but/CC it/PRP could/MD also/RB be/VB China/NNP
30 8 It/PRP could/MD also/RB be/VB lots/NNS of/IN other/JJ people/CD
56 13 It/PRP also/RB could/MD be/VB somebody/NN sitting/VBG on/IN their/PRP bed/NN that/WDT weighs/VBZ pounds/NNP OK/NNP
27 8 You/PRP don't/VB know/NN who/WP broke/VBD in/IN to/TO DNC/NNP
24 7 But/CC what/WP did/VBD we/PRP learn/VBP with/IN DNC/NNP
81 16 We/PRP learned/VBD that/IN Bernie/NNP Sanders/NNP was/VBD taken/VBN advantage/NN of/IN by/IN your/PRP people/NN by/IN Debbie/NNP Wasserman/NNP Schultz/NNP
21 5 Look/VB what/WP happened/VBD to/TO her/CD
35 7 But/CC Bernie/NNP Sanders/NNP was/VBD taken/VBN advantage/NN of/CD
17 4 That/NNP what/WP we/PRP learned/JJ
166 36 Now/NNS whether/IN that/DT was/VBD Russia/NNP whether/IN that/DT was/VBD China/NNP whether/IN it/PRP was/VBD another/DT country/NN we/PRP don't/VB know/NN because/IN the/DT truth/NN is/NN under/IN President/NNP Obama/NNP we've/NN lost/VBD control/NN of/IN things/NNS that/IN we/PRP used/VBD to/TO have/VB control/NN over/CD
169 41 We/PRP came/VBD in/IN with/IN the/DT Internet/NNP we/PRP came/VBD up/IN with/IN the/DT Internet/NNP and/CC I/PRP think/VBP Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP and/CC myself/PRP would/MD agree/VB very/JJ much/NN when/WRB you/PRP look/VBP at/IN what/WP ISIS/NNP is/VBZ doing/VBG with/IN the/DT Internet/NNP they're/NN beating/VBG us/PRP at/IN our/PRP own/JJ game/CD
48 13 So/RB we/PRP have/VBP to/TO get/VB very/NN very/RB tough/JJ on/IN cyber/NN and/CC cyber/NN warfare/CD
20 7 It/PRP is/VBZ it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT huge/JJ problem/CD
9 4 I/PRP have/VBP a/DT son/CD
10 3 He/NNP years/NNS old/JJ
14 3 He/PRP has/VBZ computers/JJ
42 9 He/PRP is/VBZ so/RB good/JJ with/IN these/DT computers/NN it/NNS unbelievable/CD
39 9 The/DT security/NN aspect/NN of/IN cyber/NN is/VBZ very/VBG very/RB tough/JJ
22 5 And/CC maybe/RB it/VBZ hardly/RB doable/JJ
45 14 But/CC I/PRP will/MD say/VB we/PRP are/VBP not/RB doing/VBG the/DT job/NN we/PRP should/MD be/VB doing/JJ
48 8 But/CC that/NNS true/JJ throughout/IN our/PRP whole/JJ governmental/JJ society/JJ
72 19 We/PRP have/VBP so/RB many/JJ things/NNS that/IN we/PRP have/VBP to/TO do/VB better/NNP Lester/NNP and/CC certainly/RB cyber/VBP is/VBZ one/CD of/IN them/JJ
40 10 Well/NNP first/JJ I/PRP have/VBP to/TO say/VB one/CD thing/NN very/RB important/JJ
43 8 Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP is/VBZ talking/VBG about/IN taking/VBG out/IN ISIS/NNP
17 5 We/NN will/MD take/VB out/IN ISIS/NNP
161 39 Well/NNP President/NNP Obama/NNP and/CC Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP created/VBD a/DT vacuum/NN the/DT way/NN they/PRP got/VBD out/IN of/IN Iraq/NNP because/IN they/PRP got/VBD out/IN what/NN they/PRP shouldn't/MD have/VB been/VBN in/NN but/CC once/RB they/PRP got/VBD in/VBG the/DT way/NN they/PRP got/VBD out/IN was/VBD a/DT disaster/JJ
16 4 And/CC ISIS/NNP was/VBD formed/JJ
28 7 So/RB she/PRP talks/VBZ about/IN taking/VBG them/PRP out/JJ
23 7 She/NNP been/VBN doing/VBG it/PRP a/DT long/JJ time/JJ
38 11 She/NNP been/VBN trying/VBG to/TO take/VB them/PRP out/IN for/IN a/DT long/JJ time/JJ
91 20 But/CC they/PRP wouldn't/VBP have/VBP even/RB been/VBN formed/VBN if/IN they/PRP left/VBD some/DT troops/NNS behind/VBP like/IN or/CC maybe/RB something/NN more/JJR than/IN that/JJ
29 7 And/CC then/RB you/PRP wouldn't/VBP have/VBP had/VBN them/JJ
193 51 Or/NNS as/IN I've/NNP been/VBN saying/VBG for/IN a/DT long/JJ time/NN and/CC I/PRP think/VBP you'll/VBG agree/NN because/IN I/PRP said/VBD it/PRP to/TO you/PRP once/VBP had/VBD we/PRP taken/VBN the/DT oil/NN and/CC we/PRP should/MD have/VB taken/VBN the/DT oil/NN ISIS/NNP would/MD not/RB have/VB been/VBN able/JJ to/TO form/VB either/NN because/IN the/DT oil/NN was/VBD their/PRP primary/JJ source/NN of/IN income/CD
101 27 And/CC now/RB they/PRP have/VBP the/DT oil/NN all/DT over/IN the/DT place/NN including/VBG the/DT oil/NN a/DT lot/NN of/IN the/DT oil/NN in/IN Libya/NNP which/WDT was/VBD another/DT one/CD of/IN her/PRP disasters/JJ
5 1 Wrong/NNP
5 1 Wrong/NNP
5 1 Wrong/NNP
18 5 Well/NNP I/PRP have/VBP to/TO respond/VB
13 4 No/NNP wait/VB a/DT minute/JJ
70 14 When/WRB they/PRP formed/VBP when/WRB they/PRP formed/VBG this/DT is/VBZ something/NN that/IN never/RB should/MD have/VB happened/JJ
25 5 It/PRP should/MD have/VB never/RB happened/JJ
34 7 Now/JJ you're/NN talking/VBG about/IN taking/VBG out/IN ISIS/NNP
63 16 But/CC you/PRP were/VBD there/NN and/CC you/PRP were/VBD secretary/NN of/IN state/NN when/WRB it/PRP was/VBD a/DT little/JJ infant/JJ
20 5 Now/RB it/VBZ in/IN over/IN countries/JJ
24 6 And/CC you're/NN going/VBG to/TO stop/VB them/NN
13 4 I/PRP don't/VB think/VBP so/CD
26 8 I/PRP did/VBD not/RB support/VB the/DT war/NN in/IN Iraq/NNP
107 24 That/DT is/VBZ a/DT mainstream/NN media/NNS nonsense/NN put/NN out/IN by/IN her/NN because/IN she/PRP frankly/NN I/PRP think/VBP the/DT best/JJS person/NN in/IN her/PRP campaign/NN is/VBZ mainstream/NN media/JJ
22 6 Just/RB would/MD you/PRP like/IN to/TO hear
11 3 Wait/VB a/DT minute/JJ
23 7 I/PRP was/VBD against/IN the/DT war/NN in/IN Iraq/NNP
17 6 Just/RB so/IN you/PRP put/VBP it/PRP out/JJ
24 6 The/DT record/NN does/VBZ not/RB show/VB that/JJ
26 6 The/DT record/NN shows/VBZ that/DT I'm/NNP right/JJ
110 26 When/WRB I/PRP did/VBD an/DT interview/NN with/IN Howard/NNP Stern/NNP very/JJ lightly/NN first/JJ time/NN anyone/NNS asked/VBD me/PRP that/VBP I/PRP said/VBP very/JJ lightly/NN I/PRP don't/VB know/NN maybe/NN who/WP knows/VBP
11 1 Essentially/NNP
33 8 I/PRP then/RB did/VBD an/DT interview/NN with/IN Neil/NNP Cavuto/NNP
38 8 We/PRP talked/VBD about/IN the/DT economy/NN is/VBZ more/RBR important/JJ
61 13 I/PRP then/RB spoke/VBD to/TO Sean/NNP Hannity/NNP which/WDT everybody/NN refuses/VBZ to/TO call/VB Sean/NNP Hannity/NNP
45 9 I/PRP had/VBD numerous/JJ conversations/NNS with/IN Sean/NNP Hannity/NNP at/IN Fox/NNP
117 32 And/CC Sean/NNP Hannity/NNP said/VBD and/CC he/PRP called/VBD me/PRP the/DT other/JJ day/NN and/CC I/PRP spoke/VBD to/TO him/PRP about/IN it/PRP he/PRP said/VBD you/PRP were/VBD totally/RB against/IN the/DT war/NN because/IN he/PRP was/VBD for/IN the/DT war/CD
17 5 And/CC when/WRB he/PRP excuse/NN me/CD
29 7 And/CC that/DT was/VBD before/IN the/DT war/NN started/JJ
84 21 Sean/NNP Hannity/NNP said/VBD very/RB strongly/RB to/TO me/PRP and/CC other/JJ people/NNS he/NNS willing/JJ to/TO say/VB it/NN but/CC nobody/NN wants/VBZ to/TO call/VB him/NN
17 5 I/PRP was/VBD against/IN the/DT war/CD
60 17 He/PRP said/VBP you/PRP used/VBD to/TO have/VB fights/NNS with/IN me/NN because/IN Sean/NNP was/VBD in/IN favor/NN of/IN the/DT war/CD
70 16 And/CC I/PRP understand/VBP that/DT side/NN also/NN not/RB very/JJ much/NN because/IN we/PRP should/MD have/VB never/RB been/VBN there/JJ
26 5 But/CC nobody/NN called/VBN Sean/NNP Hannity/NNP
64 15 And/CC then/RB they/PRP did/VBD an/DT article/NN in/IN a/DT major/JJ magazine/NN shortly/RB after/IN the/DT war/NN started/JJ
8 3 I/PRP think/VBP in/IN
55 14 But/CC they/PRP did/VBD an/DT article/NN which/WDT had/VBD me/PRP totally/RB against/IN the/DT war/NN in/IN Iraq/NNP
121 27 And/CC one/CD of/IN your/PRP compatriots/NNS said/VBP you/PRP know/VBP whether/IN it/PRP was/VBD before/IN or/CC right/NN after/NNP Trump/NNP was/VBD definitely/RB because/IN if/IN you/PRP read/VBP this/DT article/NN there/VBZ no/DT doubt/JJ
89 21 But/CC if/IN somebody/NN and/CC I'll/NNP ask/VB the/DT press/NN if/IN somebody/NN would/MD call/VB up/IN Sean/NNP Hannity/NNP this/DT was/VBD before/IN the/DT war/NN started/JJ
36 10 He/PRP and/CC I/PRP used/VBD to/TO have/VB arguments/NNS about/IN the/DT war/CD
31 9 I/PRP said/VBP it/VBZ a/DT terrible/JJ and/CC a/DT stupid/JJ thing/JJ
33 7 It/NNP going/VBG to/TO destabilize/VB the/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP
24 6 And/CC that/NNS exactly/RB what/WP it/VBZ done/JJ
15 4 It/NNP been/VBN a/DT disaster/JJ
4 2 No/JJ no/NN
22 6 You/PRP didn't/VBD hear/VB what/WP I/PRP said/JJ
38 9 Well/NNP I/PRP have/VBP much/RB better/JJR judgment/NN than/IN she/PRP does/JJ
24 5 There/NNS no/DT question/NN about/IN that/JJ
48 12 I/PRP also/RB have/VBP a/DT much/RB better/JJR temperament/NN than/IN she/PRP has/VBP you/PRP know/VBP
204 49 I/PRP have/VBP a/DT much/RB better/JJR she/PRP spent/VBD let/VB me/PRP tell/VB you/PRP she/PRP spent/VBD hundreds/NNS of/IN millions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS on/IN an/DT advertising/NN you/PRP know/VBP they/PRP get/VBP Madison/NNP Avenue/NNP into/IN a/DT room/NN they/PRP put/VBP names/NNS oh/NN temperament/NN let/NNS go/VBP after/IN I/PRP think/VBP my/PRP strongest/JJS asset/NN maybe/RB by/IN far/NN is/VBZ my/PRP temperament/JJ
24 5 I/PRP have/VBP a/DT winning/VBG temperament/JJ
13 5 I/PRP know/VBP how/WRB to/TO win/CD
15 5 She/PRP does/VBZ not/RB have/VB a
4 1 Wait/NNP
114 26 The/DT AFL-CIO/NNP the/DT other/JJ day/NN behind/IN the/DT blue/JJ screen/NN I/PRP don't/VB know/NN who/WP you/PRP were/VBD talking/VBG to/NNP Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP but/CC you/PRP were/VBD totally/RB out/IN of/IN control/JJ
48 12 I/PRP said/VBP there/VBZ a/DT person/NN with/IN a/DT temperament/NN that/NNS got/VBD a/DT problem/CD
21 6 That/DT would/MD not/RB start/VB a/DT war/CD
20 5 No/NNP they/PRP were/VBD taunting/VBG us/CD
5 1 Wrong/NNP
6 2 It/NNP lies/CD
36 10 That/DT line/NNS getting/VBG a/DT little/JJ bit/NN old/NN I/PRP must/MD say/CD
12 4 I/PRP would/MD like/IN to
23 7 It/NNP not/RB an/DT accurate/JJ one/CD at/IN all/CD
18 5 It/NNP not/RB an/DT accurate/JJ one/CD
45 14 So/RB I/PRP just/RB want/VBP to/TO give/VB a/DT lot/NN of/IN things/NNS and/CC just/RB to/TO respond/VB
23 7 I/PRP agree/VBP with/IN her/PRP on/IN one/CD thing/JJ
120 23 The/DT single/JJ greatest/JJS problem/NN the/DT world/NN has/VBZ is/VBZ nuclear/JJ armament/NN nuclear/JJ weapons/NN not/RB global/JJ warming/NN like/IN you/PRP think/VBP and/CC your/PRP your/PRP president/NN thinks/JJ
32 6 Nuclear/NNP is/VBZ the/DT single/JJ greatest/JJS threat/JJ
101 23 Just/RB to/TO go/VB down/RP the/DT list/NN we/PRP defend/VBP Japan/NNP we/PRP defend/VBP Germany/NNP we/PRP defend/VBP South/NNP Korea/NNP we/PRP defend/VBP Saudi/NNP Arabia/NNP we/PRP defend/VBP countries/JJ
14 5 They/PRP do/VBP not/RB pay/VB us/CD
83 17 But/CC they/PRP should/MD be/VB paying/VBG us/NN because/IN we/PRP are/VBP providing/VBG tremendous/JJ service/NN and/CC we're/NN losing/VBG a/DT fortune/JJ
47 10 That/NNP why/WRB we're/NN losing/VBG we're/NN losing/VBG we/PRP lose/VBP on/IN everything/JJ
35 9 I/PRP say/VBP who/WP makes/VBZ these/DT we/PRP lose/VBP on/IN everything/JJ
106 27 All/DT I/PRP said/VBP that/IN it/NNS very/RB possible/JJ that/IN if/IN they/PRP don't/VB pay/NN a/DT fair/JJ share/NN because/IN this/DT isn't/VBZ years/NNS ago/RB where/WRB we/PRP could/MD do/VB what/WP we're/NN doing/JJ
52 12 We/PRP can't/MD defend/VB Japan/NNP a/DT behemoth/NN selling/VBG us/PRP cars/NNS by/IN the/DT million
26 6 Well/JJ wait/NN but/CC it/NNS very/RB important/JJ
61 17 All/DT I/PRP said/VBD was/NN they/PRP may/MD have/VB to/TO defend/VB themselves/PRP or/CC they/PRP have/VBP to/TO help/VB us/PRP out/JJ
29 6 We're/NNP a/DT country/NN that/WDT owes/VBZ trillion/JJ
19 6 They/PRP have/VBP to/TO help/VB us/PRP out/JJ
34 9 As/RB far/RB as/IN the/DT nuclear/JJ is/VBZ concerned/VBG I/PRP agree/VB
45 10 It/PRP is/VBZ the/DT single/JJ greatest/JJS threat/NN that/IN this/DT country/NN has/CD
131 29 Well/NNP I/PRP have/VBP to/TO say/VB that/NN you/PRP know/VBP for/IN what/WP Secretary/NNP Clinton/NNP was/VBD saying/VBG about/IN nuclear/JJ with/IN Russia/NNP she/NNS very/RB cavalier/JJ in/IN the/DT way/NN she/PRP talks/VBZ about/IN various/JJ countries/JJ
66 15 But/CC Russia/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN expanding/VBG their/PRP they/PRP have/VBP a/DT much/RB newer/JJR capability/NN than/IN we/PRP do/JJ
41 9 We/PRP have/VBP not/RB been/VBN updating/VBG from/IN the/DT new/JJ standpoint/JJ
20 5 I/PRP looked/VBD the/DT other/JJ night/JJ
77 16 I/PRP was/VBD seeing/VBG B-52s/NNP they're/NN old/JJ enough/RB that/IN your/PRP father/VB your/PRP grandfather/NN could/MD be/VB flying/VBG them/JJ
43 11 We/PRP are/VBP not/RB we/PRP are/VBP not/RB keeping/VBG up/IN with/IN other/JJ countries/JJ
40 12 I/PRP would/MD like/IN everybody/NN to/TO end/VB it/NN just/RB get/VB rid/JJ of/IN it/JJ
34 8 But/CC I/PRP would/MD certainly/RB not/RB do/VB first/JJ strike/JJ
48 10 I/PRP think/VBP that/IN once/RB the/DT nuclear/JJ alternative/NN happens/NN it/NNS over/CD
31 9 At/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN we/PRP have/VBP to/TO be/VB prepared/JJ
29 7 I/PRP can't/MD take/VB anything/NN off/IN the/DT table/JJ
77 17 Because/IN you/PRP look/VBP at/IN some/DT of/IN these/DT countries/NN you/PRP look/VBP at/IN North/NNP Korea/NNP we're/NN doing/VBG nothing/NN there/JJ
32 7 China/NNP should/MD solve/VB that/DT problem/NN for/IN us/CD
27 6 China/NNP should/MD go/VB into/IN North/NNP Korea/NNP
45 10 China/NNP is/VBZ totally/RB powerful/JJ as/IN it/PRP relates/VBZ to/TO North/NNP Korea/NNP
98 24 And/CC by/IN the/DT way/VBG another/DT one/CD powerful/JJ is/VBZ the/DT worst/JJS deal/NN I/PRP think/VBP I've/NNP ever/RB seen/VBD negotiated/VBN that/IN you/PRP started/VBD is/VBZ the/DT Iran/NNP deal/JJ
38 8 Iran/NNP is/VBZ one/CD of/IN their/PRP biggest/JJS trading/NN partners/JJ
26 6 Iran/NNP has/VBZ power/NN over/IN North/NNP Korea/NNP
110 24 And/CC when/WRB they/PRP made/VBD that/IN horrible/JJ deal/NN with/IN Iran/NNP they/PRP should/MD have/VB included/VBN the/DT fact/NN that/IN they/PRP do/VBP something/NN with/IN respect/NN to/TO North/NNP Korea/NNP
70 15 And/CC they/PRP should/MD have/VB done/VBN something/NN with/IN respect/NN to/TO Yemen/NNP and/CC all/PDT these/DT other/JJ places/CD
46 11 And/CC when/WRB asked/VBD to/TO Secretary/NNP Kerry/NNP why/WRB didn't/VBD you/PRP do/VBP that/VBG
37 9 Why/WRB didn't/VBD you/PRP add/VBP other/JJ things/NNS into/IN the/DT deal/NN
62 15 One/CD of/IN the/DT great/JJ giveaways/NNS of/IN all/DT time/NN of/IN all/DT time/NN including/VBG million/CD in/IN cash/CD
24 5 Nobody/NNP ever/RB seen/VBD that/DT before/CD
22 6 That/DT turned/VBD out/IN to/TO be/VB wrong/CD
55 12 It/PRP was/VBD actually/RB billion/CD in/IN cash/NN obviously/NN I/PRP guess/VBP for/IN the/DT hostages/JJ
23 5 It/PRP certainly/RB looks/VBZ that/DT way/CD
47 12 So/RB you/PRP say/VBP to/TO yourself/VB why/WRB didn't/VBD they/PRP make/VBP the/DT right/JJ deal/NN
53 14 This/DT is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT worst/JJS deals/NNS ever/RB made/VBN by/IN any/DT country/NN in/IN history/JJ
40 9 The/DT deal/NN with/IN Iran/NNP will/MD lead/VB to/TO nuclear/JJ problems/CD
53 16 All/DT they/PRP have/VBP to/TO do/VB is/VBZ sit/VB back/RB years/NN and/CC they/PRP don't/VB have/VBP to/TO do/VB much/CD
36 8 And/CC they're/NN going/VBG to/TO end/VB up/IN getting/VBG nuclear/CD
32 8 I/PRP met/VBD with/IN Bibi/NNP Netanyahu/NNP the/DT other/JJ day/JJ
26 7 Believe/VB me/NN he/NNS not/RB a/DT happy/JJ camper/CD
26 7 Lester/NNP one/CD thing/NN I'd/NNP like/IN to/TO say/CD
18 5 I/PRP will/MD go/VB very/RB quickly/CD
153 40 But/CC I/PRP will/MD tell/VB you/PRP that/IN Hillary/NNP will/MD tell/VB you/PRP to/TO go/VB to/TO her/PRP website/NN and/CC read/VB all/DT about/IN how/WRB to/TO defeat/VB ISIS/NNP which/WDT she/PRP could/MD have/VB defeated/VBN by/IN never/RB having/VBG it/NN you/PRP know/VBP get/VB going/VBG in/IN the/DT first/JJ place/CD
114 25 Right/JJ now/NN it/NNS getting/VBG tougher/JJR and/CC tougher/JJR to/TO defeat/VB them/NN because/IN they're/NN in/IN more/JJR and/CC more/JJR places/NN more/JJR and/CC more/JJR states/NN more/JJR and/CC more/RBR nations/JJ
16 5 And/CC it/VBZ a/DT big/JJ problem/CD
93 24 And/CC as/RB far/RB as/IN Japan/NNP is/VBZ concerned/VBG I/PRP want/VBP to/TO help/VB all/DT of/IN our/PRP allies/NN but/CC we/PRP are/VBP losing/VBG billions/NNS and/CC billions/NNS of/IN dollars/JJ
32 8 We/PRP cannot/MD be/VB the/DT policemen/NNS of/IN the/DT world/JJ
39 8 We/PRP cannot/MD protect/VB countries/NNS all/DT over/IN the/DT world
33 8 where/WRB they're/NN not/RB paying/VBG us/PRP what/WP we/PRP need/JJ
50 11 And/CC she/PRP doesn't/VBP say/VBP that/VBG because/IN she/NNS got/VBD no/DT business/NN ability/JJ
11 3 We/PRP need/VBP heart/JJ
18 6 We/PRP need/VBP a/DT lot/NN of/IN things/JJ
32 8 But/CC you/PRP have/VBP to/TO have/VB some/DT basic/JJ ability/JJ
26 6 And/CC sadly/NN she/PRP doesn't/VBP have/VBP that/JJ
102 25 All/DT of/IN the/DT things/NNS that/IN she/NNS talking/VBG about/IN could/MD have/VB been/VBN taken/VBN care/NN of/IN during/IN the/DT last/JJ years/NN let/NNS say/VBP while/IN she/PRP had/VBD great/JJ power/CD
25 6 But/CC they/PRP weren't/VBP taken/VBN care/NN of/CD
46 13 And/CC if/IN she/PRP ever/RB wins/VBZ this/DT race/NN they/PRP won't/VBP be/VB taken/VBN care/NN of/CD
21 5 She/PRP doesn't/VBP have/VBP the/DT look/CD
24 5 She/PRP doesn't/VBP have/VBP the/DT stamina/JJ
29 7 I/PRP said/VBD she/PRP doesn't/VBP have/VBP the/DT stamina/JJ
37 9 And/CC I/PRP don't/VB believe/VBP she/PRP does/VBZ have/VBP the/DT stamina/JJ
50 10 To/TO be/VB president/NN of/IN this/DT country/NN you/PRP need/VBP tremendous/JJ stamina/JJ
18 5 You/PRP have/VBP wait/VB a/DT minute/JJ
17 4 Wait/VB a/DT minute/NNP Lester/NNP
19 5 You/PRP asked/VBD me/PRP a/DT question/JJ
20 6 Did/VBD you/PRP ask/VBP me/PRP a/DT question/NN
39 10 You/PRP have/VBP to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO negotiate/VB our/PRP trade/NN deals/JJ
59 14 You/PRP have/VBP to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO negotiate/VB that/NNS right/VB with/IN Japan/NNP with/IN Saudi/NNP Arabia/NNP
43 9 I/PRP mean/VBP can/MD you/PRP imagine/VB we're/NN defending/VBG Saudi/NNP Arabia/NNP
65 15 And/CC with/IN all/DT of/IN the/DT money/NN they/PRP have/VBP we're/VBG defending/VBG them/NN and/CC they're/NN not/RB paying/VB
27 9 All/DT you/PRP have/VBP to/TO do/VB is/VBZ speak/VB to/TO them/VB
4 1 Wait/NNP
87 22 You/PRP have/VBP so/RB many/JJ different/JJ things/NNS you/PRP have/VBP to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO do/VB and/CC I/PRP don't/VB believe/VBP that/IN Hillary/NNP has/VBZ the/DT stamina/JJ
20 6 The/DT world/NN let/VB me/PRP tell/VB you/CD
12 4 Let/VB me/PRP tell/VB you/CD
38 7 Hillary/NNP has/VBZ experience/NN but/CC it/NNS bad/JJ experience/CD
65 17 We/PRP have/VBP made/VBN so/RB many/JJ bad/JJ deals/NNS during/IN the/DT last/JJ so/RB she/VBZ got/VBD experience/NN that/IN I/PRP agree/VB
21 5 But/CC it/NNS bad/VBP bad/JJ experience/CD
142 35 Whether/IN it/VBZ the/DT Iran/NNP deal/NN that/DT you're/NN so/RB in/IN love/NN with/NN where/WRB we/PRP gave/VBD them/PRP billion/CD back/NN whether/IN it/VBZ the/DT Iran/NNP deal/NN whether/IN it/NNS anything/NN you/PRP can/MD name/VB you/PRP almost/RB can't/MD name/VB a/DT good/JJ deal/JJ
6 2 I/PRP agree/VB
34 7 She/NNP got/VBD experience/NN but/CC it/NNS bad/JJ experience/CD
69 15 And/CC this/DT country/NN can't/MD afford/VB to/TO have/VB another/DT four/CD years/NNS of/IN that/DT kind/NN of/IN experience/CD
14 4 I/PRP never/RB said/VBD that/JJ
14 4 I/PRP didn't/VBD say/VBP that/JJ
19 5 Where/WRB did/VBD you/PRP find/VBP this/VBG
19 5 Where/WRB did/VBD you/PRP find/VBP this/VBG
19 5 Where/WRB did/VBD you/PRP find/VBP this/VBG
8 2 Oh/JJ really/NN
33 7 CLINTON/NNP she/NNS going/VBG to/TO vote/VB this/DT November/NNP
6 2 OK/NNP good/JJ
16 5 Let/VB me/PRP just/RB tell/VBP you
50 9 You/PRP know/VBP Hillary/NNP is/VBZ hitting/VBG me/PRP with/IN tremendous/JJ commercials/CD
27 6 Some/DT of/IN it/NNS said/VBD in/IN entertainment/JJ
151 36 Some/DT of/IN it/NNS said/VBD somebody/NN who/NNS been/VBN very/RB vicious/JJ to/TO me/VB Rosie/NNP O'Donnell/NNP I/PRP said/VBD very/RB tough/JJ things/NNS to/TO her/VB and/CC I/PRP think/VBP everybody/NN would/MD agree/VB that/IN she/PRP deserves/VBZ it/PRP and/CC nobody/NN feels/VBZ sorry/JJ for/IN her/CD
24 7 But/CC you/PRP want/VBP to/TO know/VB the/DT truth/NN
23 6 I/PRP was/VBD going/VBG to/TO say/VB something
60 16 extremely/RB rough/JJ to/TO Hillary/NNP to/TO her/PRP family/NN and/CC I/PRP said/VBD to/TO myself/VB I/NN can't/MD do/VB it/JJ
14 5 I/PRP just/RB can't/MD do/VB it/JJ
15 2 It/NNP inappropriate/JJ
9 3 It/NNP not/RB nice/CD
85 19 But/CC she/PRP spent/VBD hundreds/NNS of/IN millions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS on/IN negative/JJ ads/NNS on/IN me/NN many/NN of/IN which/WDT are/VBP absolutely/RB untrue/JJ
13 2 They're/NNP untrue/JJ
28 3 And/CC they're/NN misrepresentations/JJ
34 10 And/CC I/PRP will/MD tell/VB you/PRP this/VB Lester/NNP It/NNP not/RB nice/CD
20 5 And/CC I/PRP don't/VB deserve/VBP that/JJ
38 10 But/CC it/NNS certainly/RB not/RB a/DT nice/JJ thing/NN that/DT she/NNS done/JJ
25 6 It/NNP hundreds/NNS of/IN millions/NNS of/IN ads/JJ
71 19 And/CC the/DT only/RB gratifying/JJ thing/NN is/NN I/PRP saw/VBD the/DT polls/NNS come/VBP in/IN today/NN and/CC with/IN all/DT of/IN that/DT money
69 14 million/CD is/VBZ spent/VBG and/CC I'm/NNP either/DT winning/VBG or/CC tied/NN and/CC I've/NNP spent/VBD practically/RB nothing/JJ
16 4 Look/NN here/VBZ the/DT story/JJ
28 7 I/PRP want/VBP to/TO make/VB America/NNP great/JJ again/CD
22 8 I'm/NNP going/VBG to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO do/VB it/JJ
24 5 I/PRP don't/VB believe/VBP Hillary/NNP will/CD
45 11 The/DT answer/NN is/NN if/IN she/PRP wins/VBP I/PRP will/MD absolutely/RB support/VB her/CD