3 Feb 2002 bug: Fixed LoadConfig() behaviour in setting the %CONFIG hash to load values. It was very broken for multiple files. feature: Added ability to append arguments to punch statistics allowing multiple calls to the same punch with a single call. Before, a call like "load(5);load(15)" would only return a single "load" value with load(15) overwriting the load(5) return value since they had the same statistic name. ... appendargs => true ... feature: It's now possible for a punch to populate a number of statistics, rather than just one. If the punch returns a value which is a list concatenated with a delimiter, e.g. 1:2:3:4 then each value can be assigned to as statistic using namegroup = stat1,stat2,stat3,stat4 valuedelim = : This may be useful if the punch takes time to compute the list of values and computing one item takes as long as computing the whole list (e.g. user/nice/sys/idle CPU utilization requires a few seconds to collect reliable statistics and you get all four values at once) ################################################################ $Id: CHANGES,v 1.4 2003/02/03 19:07:59 martink Exp $